Knesset Votes Down No-Confidence Motion Over Ohr Yehuda
School Left Without Electricity
With a majority of coalition votes, the Knesset plenum
defeated a no-confidence motion filed by United Torah Judaism
due to "scheming and cutting off electricity at Michtav
MeEliahu schools and kindergartens in Ohr Yehuda."
The Parents' Committee of Bais Yaakov Ibn Denan in
Jerusalem's Har Nof neighborhood decided to start a strike
following the failure of the school's heating system, forcing
the students to sit in unheated classrooms since the
beginning of winter.
New Jersey's largest Jewish community was incensed at the
desecration of graves on a scale unprecedented in the US when
499 gravestones were overturned and severely damaged at the
Poalei Tzedek Cemetery. Only days earlier a similar incident
took place at the same cemetery. A community leader who
visited the site told a local reporter the cemetery looked as
if it had been bombed.
The 8th annual Agudas Yisroel of America Yarchei Kallah was
brimming with excitement when it opened at the Renaissance
Hotel in Jerusalem on Monday.
A three-day education conference held this week at Kibbutz
Nir Etzion near Haifa drew roshei yeshivos,
mashgichim, educators, talmud Torah principals
and heads of educational institutions representing the broad
range of Torah-based educational institutions operating in
Israel today.
At an evening gathering at the Ichud Hatzoloh offices in
Jerusalem designed to foster unity, a command and control
center designed to oversee the dispatching of medics and
direct emergency calls in Israel was unveiled.
With the help of Israeli ZAKA personnel, Israel Police's
Department for Criminal Identification managed to identify
the bodies of the Israelis killed in a plane crash in
Tu B'Shevat—Rosh Hashanah for Trees or Agricultural Holiday? by Rabbi Nosson Zeev Grossman
The 15 of Shevat, Tu B'Shevat, determines the new year of the
fruit trees in Eretz Yisroel. If of the first, second,
fourth, or fifth year they are ma'aser sheini; if of
the third or sixth year they are ma'aser oni. If they
are of the seventh year they are peiros Shmittah. The
minhag among Jews throughout the world is to eat a
variety of fruit on that day in order to thank and praise the
Creator Who provides us with fruit.
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The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants