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OPINION & COMMENT Flimsy Shelter as a Prerequisite for Simchah We live in an age that really believes that it lives in a diras keva. It is confident of its wealth and its might, and it believes that its knowledge and understanding give it mastery over the physical world. The Supreme Joy of Restoration: Divrei Torah Delivered on
Succos See Pachad Yitzchok Rosh Hashonoh, maamar 10:1 and Pachad Yitzchok Succos, Introduction to Kuntras Bircas Ovos where the dual character of the Succos festival is noted.
How to Avoid Meat Scandals: The Horrible Illness of
Complacency Every year we read parshas Nitzovim on the Shabbos before Rosh Hashonoh. Those that derive hints from the Torah say that this is a hint to a person's situation before Rosh Hashonoh. He must be standing (natziv): he needs to stop and contemplate, and make a spiritual accounting, each one according to his level.
Finding Hashem In Nature—Losing Hashem In
Science The Foundations of the Torah Home: How to Establish a
Stable and Successful Jewish Marriage Luxuries may abound, but menuchas hanefesh is in short supply. Chazal say, "Menuchoh, this is Torah" (Midrash Tanchuma, Parshas Vayechi 11). Only Torah can bring menuchoh to our lives, to our marriages and to the world. This happens because Torah enables us to trust in Hashem. Succos in the Teshuvos of the Chasam Sofer The Scent of Gan Eden: Choosing Kosher Hadassim The seventeenth of Tishrei, 5762: A posek renowned for his expertise in hilchos lulav was davening at a local shul on chol hamoed Succos. Before the holiday had begun, he had checked hundreds — if not thousands — of dalet minim, including many of those held by men standing around him at that moment. Telolei Oros — Chag HaSuccos "Verotziso bonu" — The term rotzon, favor, connotes acceptance and appeasement. In Tanach, each time the term rotzon is used after anger, it signifies acceptance. Chol HaMoed - Teshuvos about Succos
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