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Our next scheduled issue is for Parshas Bereishis.
Lulav Dealers Ask High Court to Allow Imports from All of
The High Court held a hearing this week after a group of
lulav importers filed a petition demanding the Israeli
Agricultural Ministry allow them to import lulavim
from all parts of Egypt rather than el-Arish alone.
Sela administration head Zvia Shimon told Ha'aretz
this week that construction has yet to begin on a single
permanent house for any of those evacuated from Gush Katif 13
months ago. However, she claimed that "much progress had been
made in recent months."
Some 150 Ayelet Hashachar volunteer families are spent the
Yomim Noraim at kibbutzim and small communities where shofar
blasts have never been heard and minyanim never
Every year before Rosh Hashonoh the editorial board of the
Hebrew Yated Ne'eman pays a visit to Maran HaRav Yosef
Sholom Eliashiv shlita, who closely oversees and
guides the newspaper throughout the year, setting aside
valuable time to issue instructions, answer questions posed
by the rabbonim of the Vaada Ruchanit.
Following the widely publicized notice by gedolei Yisroel
shlita calling for mehadrin bus lines for all of
the routes between chareidi cities and neighborhoods there
has been a marked public awakening accompanied by
negotiations with Egged and other bus companies to
accommodate their passengers' wishes by allowing women to
enter through the back door.
The problem of chodosh starts in late summer (as early
as September) and lasts until Pesach, as the spring crop of
grains (wheat, barley, oats, rye and spelt) which is planted
and harvested after Pesach, enters the food market.
An estimated 40,000 people gathered last week at the UN
Building in Manhattan for a pro-Israel rally, one of the
largest events in the Jewish community since the massive
demonstrations for Soviet Jewry in the 1970s.
Flimsy Shelter as a Prerequisite for Simchah
We live in an age that really believes that it lives in a
diras keva. It is confident of its wealth and its
might, and it believes that its knowledge and understanding
give it mastery over the physical world. The Supreme Joy of Restoration: Divrei Torah Delivered on
Introduction: Solemn Prayer and Excessive Rejoicing
See Pachad Yitzchok Rosh Hashonoh, maamar 10:1 and
Pachad Yitzchok Succos, Introduction to Kuntras
Bircas Ovos where the dual character of the Succos
festival is noted.
How to Avoid Meat Scandals: The Horrible Illness of
The shmuess was given before Rosh Hashonoh this year, but
its lessons are worth applying at any time.
Every year we read parshas Nitzovim on the Shabbos
before Rosh Hashonoh. Those that derive hints from the Torah
say that this is a hint to a person's situation before Rosh
Hashonoh. He must be standing (natziv): he needs to
stop and contemplate, and make a spiritual accounting, each
one according to his level.
Observations: Giant Waves Occur Every Day — But
Scientists Thought They Were Myths Until 1995 Whoever thinks that the physical world is fully explored
should consider the story of rogue waves.
The Joy of the Torah
A Simple Simchas Torah — Joy in the Torah —
A pre-winter despondency threatened to submerge the snow-
covered village.
Remove Anger from Your Heart! Some Thoughts on My Father and on German Jewry
Memories of HaRav Yaakov Yisroel Kanievsky, the Steipler
Rov, author of Kehillos Yaakov
HaRav Moshe Halberstam, zt'l: A Shining Light of
When You Go Out to War — HaRav Yitzchok Silberstein
Discusses Questions Arising During Wartime
Mayenei Hayeshua Hospital of Bnei Brak: Professionalism
Next Door
A New Beginning
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
Hoshana Rabba falls on Friday, 21 Tishrei (Oct. 13).
At Shacharis we add the Pesukei Dezimrah of Shabbos
except for Nishmas, all of the Hoashana
prayers, and afterwards we beat the hoshanos on the
In Eretz Yisroel, Shmini Atzeres and Simchas
Torah fall on Shabbos, 22 Tishrei (Oct. 14). In Chutz
La'aretz, Shmini Atzeres falls on Shabbos, and
Simchas Torah falls on Sunday, 23 Tishrei (Oct. 14-
Yizkor is said on Shmini Atzeres.
In Shemoneh Esrei we add Morid HaGeshem from
Mussaf of Simchas Torah.
The Achronim write that even after Succos we
should not step on the sechach since it is
tashmishei mitzvah like tzitzis and a
lulav (Mishnah Berurah 638:24).
On the Shabbos that we read about the Ma'aseh
Bereishis we start saying Borchi Nafshi
(Tehillim 104) every Shabbos until Shabbos HaGodol.
Before Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan we do not say Yom
Kippur Koton because it is the month of Tishrei.