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Dozens of Yemenite Jews Flee Homes Following Threats by
Muslim Extremists
Forty-five Jews living in Sa'ada, a province in Yemen, were
forced to flee their homes in the Al Haid area following
death threats by Muslim extremists, reported Saudi newspaper
Al-Wattan on Monday 3 Shvat. According to the report
the Jews were given ten days to leave the country or they
would be subject to abduction and looting.
Remarks by an Australian Muslim cleric encouraging Muslim
children to die "as shahids to defend Islam with their
own blood" and denouncing Jews with offensive slurs have
sparked outrage in Australia and increased interfaith
tensions in the already-strained relations between Muslims
and whites in the country.
"During periods of darkness there were also moments of
light," French President Jacques Chirac said as he posted a
memorial plaque at the Pantheon for 2,693 French citizens who
saved Jews from arrest and deportation to Nazi concentration
camps during the Vichy Regime.
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni contacted Government Secretary Yisrael
Maimon, urging him to accelerate the renewed approval of the
law that provides military deferments for full-time yeshiva
Following calls by gedolei Yisroel shlita to
strengthen modesty standards, women and girls are choosing to
shop in stores that have accepted upon themselves rabbinical
supervision by Vaadas Hatznius to insure every item is
suitable for bnos Yisroel striving to uphold their
Dieting is taking over the store shelves, even in chareidi
stores. More consumers than ever are looking for diet
products and manufacturers are starting to speak to us in the
language of the dietetic market.
The Supreme Planning Council of Judea and Samaria approved
the City Construction Plan for the Heftzibah and Green Park
neighborhoods in Modi'in Illit's Mattityahu East.
Gemach Merkazi Continues to Assist in Finding Housing
Solutions by Providing Large Loans The Gemach Merkazi, founded by gedolei Yisroel, is
granting interest-free loans of $20,000 to buyers in selected
Modi'in Illit construction projects, including Nofei Illit-
Kiryat Sefer and Achuzat Brachfeld.
Finance Minister Avraham Hirshson paid a visit to Modi'in
Illit on Monday 3 Shvat as a guest of Council Head Rabbi
Yaakov Guterman. Following a tour of local educational
institutions and company worksites he said, "Modi'in Illit is
a model of economic growth and educational growth and should
serve as a model for cities throughout Eretz Yisroel."
Tragedy in Jerusalem: Yeshiva Student Killed in Road
Accident Moshe Tuvio Eisenstein z"l, a student at Yeshivas
Ponovezh, was killed in a tragic car accident late Sunday
night while crossing Sderot Golda Meir (known as Kvish Ramot)
near the Tamir Halls following a wedding. Construction Work on Upgraded Bus Lanes at Bar Ilan
Intersection Underway The City of Jerusalem and municipal construction company
Moriah have begun the second phase of the project to upgrade
infrastructures and public transportation routes in the
Shmuel Hanovi area. The construction work was initiated by
Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky in order to allow public
transportation users to arrive at their destination easily
and in less time. The plan emphasizes pedestrian safety. Jerusalem Municipality Launches Second Phase of Geulah
Improvement Project
The Jerusalem Municipality is set to begin extensive work to
develop and upgrade infrastructures on four streets in Geulah
— Zecharya, Chagai, Yonah and Levush Mordechai. The
construction work is the second phase of a project to upgrade
public areas in chareidi neighborhoods in North Jerusalem at
the initiative of Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky. Bnei Brak Making Way for Light-Rail System
The City of Bnei Brak and NTA are preparing a joint plan to
improve public transportation from the city center to the
light-rail stations slated for future construction in Bnei
Brak according to a survey NTA Director Mr. Yishai Dotan
presented to city councilmen. Degel HaTorah Board Set Up in Herzliyah Degel HaTorah held an executive meeting in Herzliyah
following a decision by the national board to set up new
boards and renew boards in places that already have them. The
execution of the decision began last month when a number of
local board meetings were held. Two weeks ago a local board
meeting was also held in Afula and a new board was
selected. The Date of Saddam Hussein's Hanging
I'm writing this letter in regard to the execution of the
Iraqi dictator who carried on his shoulders much of the
world's hatred towards Am Yisroel.
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The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants