Diet Foods Gaining Popularity Among Chareidi Consumers
By R. Gil
Dieting is taking over the store shelves, even in chareidi
stores. More consumers than ever are looking for diet
products and manufacturers are starting to speak to us in the
language of the dietetic market.
According to the latest survey by Geocartographia the
chareidi public leads the trend and is considered the most
conscientious calorie counter (28 percent, compared to 17
percent among the general population), which is immediately
translated into up-to-date advertising terms while products
lacking consumer appeal are re-marketed as healthy products,
giving them a significant advantage.
Until recently it was rare to encounter campaigns for diet
products aimed at the chareidi sector. The recent survey and
similar market assessments clearly indicate wholesomeness is
a leading factor in the chareidi consumer's list of
considerations, and "lite" and reduced-calorie products are
especially popular, even if the price is higher than regular
products. Advertising agencies are riding the wave and the
first ad harbingers forced the other companies to show
dietetic creativity of their own.