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HaRav Eliashiv: Every Effort Should be Made to Prevent
Jews from Going Up to Har Habayis
Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita told the rov of the Kosel
Maarovi, HaRav Shmuel Rabinovitz, that every effort should be
made to prevent Jews from going up to Har Habayis due to the
severe prohibition against going up to the site of the Temple
The Education Ministry recently gave notice that Chinuch
Atzmai must henceforth follow the general Ministry principle
of children attending the closest institution to them —
totally overlooking its unique character, which has been
recognized by every Israeli administration in the past.
To the esteemed rabbonim gathered at the Conference of
European Rabbis conference, may Hashem be with you very much.
As I have heard, and like every matter related to
spirituality which requires strengthening, in all places
where Jews are scattered yeridas hadoros has had a
major effect.
For three weeks Sderot residents plagued by Kassam rocket
attacks have been in a state of complete helplessness, both
in terms of their personal safety and their mental and
financial state. Various chessed organizations are
working to meet the needs of those who remain in the city and
for whatever reason have nowhere else to stay, as well as
residents who fled with just the clothes on their back.
The Department of Chareidi Education at the Jerusalem
Municipality, headed by Rabbi Yaakov Deutsch, held dozens of
events and activities for chareidi special ed children this
The expert committee set up by the Lithuanian government to
address disputes surrounding the ancient Jewish cemetery in
Vilna decided that all work on the cemetery ground must halt
immediately pending inquiries into the boundaries of the
cemetery by experts under the supervision of the Conference
of European Rabbis (CER) and the Conference for the
Preservation of Cemeteries in Europe.
Special Efforts to Maintain Respect for Torah Handouts at
Meron All year long the staff of Vaad Hahalochoh LeInyonei Genizah
work hard to prevent disrespect for various handouts that
require genizah, but as Lag BaOmer approached this
year the organization launched a special campaign,...
Major damage was caused to Beit Knesset Heichal Haness in
Geneva's Malanave neighborhood in the early morning hours of
the second day of Shavuos. Dozens of firefighters were needed
to extinguish the blaze and police said arson could be the
cause since the fire broke out in several places. The fire
may also have been due to an electrical problem. HaRav Naftoli Klein zt"l Rav Naftoli (Theo) Klein, one of the pillars of the community
and a prominent educator in France, passed away on Erev
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
According to the Ramo (494:3) we do not say tachanun
from Rosh Chodesh Sivan until after Isru Chag (there
are other minhogim that do not say tachanun
until after the seven days of hashlomoh that follow
On Rosh Chodesh Sivan we do not say tachanun like on
every Rosh Chodesh. The second of Sivan is called Yom
HaMeyuchas since after yetzias Mitzrayim Hashem
commanded Moshe to say to bnei Yisroel: "Now therefore
if you will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then
you shall be My own treasure from among all peoples"
(Shemos 19:5) to prepare them for Torah. Afterwards,
the third, forth, and fifth of Sivan are the Sheloshes
Yemei Hagboloh when bnei Yisroel waited for
kabolas HaTorah (Mishnah Berurah 494:8, and see
Shabbos 86-88).
We do not say vetzidkoscho tzedek on Shabbos since it
is the YOm MaMeyuchas