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Decisions Announced at Emergency Conference A special conference was held on Wednesday 22 Adar to express the concern of gedolei Yisroel about the ongoing efforts that are being made to influence and undermine chareidi education from many different government sources. The threat is not limited to one political party or another, but come from the entire secular establishment.
With the blessings of Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita this
year a mechiras chometz will be conducted for business
owners and neighborhood residents by the Association of
Neighborhood Rabbis of Jerusalem. The sale will be carried
out by HaRav Binyomin Adler, who was in charge of the sale at
the Jerusalem Rabbinate for many years under HaRav Y. Kulitz
zt"l, as well as by HaRav Y. Efrati, HaRav A.
Schlesinger, HaRav D. Yosef and other prominent rabbonim.
As part of its efforts to minimize the damage to the
education of thousands of children in its schools following
the discontinuation of government-funded bus service, Chinuch
Atzmai took out bank loans to resume the busing system until
the Pesach break.
With a statement of support by Kuf Dalet — The Association of Sephardic Bnei Torah for Rabbi Yissochor Frankentahl, mayor and coalition chairman of Bnei Brak, the Bnei Brak municipal coalition now has the full support of all of the parties represented in the City Council.
The municipal budget for the City of Bnei Brak will come to NIS 653.5 million ($140 million) for the year 2006 in contrast to an operating report of NIS 682.7 million ($146 million) for the previous year the Finance Committee and the City Council confirmed.
The Jerusalem Municipality, in cooperation with the Prime
Minister's Office, is set to launch Mayor Rabbi Uri
Lupoliansky's revolutionary plan to renovate and develop the
Mount of Olives cemetery.
A comparison of contracts signed and recent data from income generated through taxes on property appreciation (paid when a property sale is made) point to a recovery in the Jerusalem real estate market in 2005. An analysis of Israel Land Administration tenders for the sale of land in Jerusalem reveals a similar picture.
Despite the fact that we are by no means brainwashed and, on the contrary, even a cursory acquaintance with Talmud is enough to convince anyone that critical thinking is central to our lives in theory, and a quick visit to the mikvehs and yeshiva dining rooms will make it abundantly clear that it is also applied in practice,... New Chapters from the Life and Teachings of R' Yisroel
Salanter zy'a Intellectual Ploys for Self Improvement R' Naftoli Amsterdam said: This is what Morenu was in the habit of saying: In order to improve and mend one's negative characteristics, it is imperative to study Mussar, but in addition, a person must employ wiles and subterfuges to circumvent his own nature.
Return Serializing a new novel. Chapter 17: The Meeting Jerusalem (October 2001) Esther has been successful at work, but so far not at shidduchim. Now it has been suggested that she meet Daniel who has been learning at Mir yeshiva for only a year. We apologize to our readers for not putting in an installment last week, and this week we are putting in a double-sized section.
LIFE JOURNEYS — LESSONS FROM THE HEART The Lost Treasure Twenty years ago, Shoshana and Karen sat on the fluffy pink carpet in Shoshana's bedroom. It was a balmy, spring day, and the scent of freshly cut grass climbed through the curtained windows. They had spread out a picnic blanket on the floor, and set up a tea party for a circle of dolls and teddy bears. Shoshana had just had her seventh birthday party, and they were chatting about all the presents she had received. More Home & Family . . .
Stealing the Gavel from the Judge! Memories of HaRav Shach, zt"l
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
EARLIER EDITORIALS A Mission to Spread Daas Torah Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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