Neighborhood Rabbonim in Jerusalem Prepare to Sell Chometz
Independently of Moatza Datit
By Betzalel Kahn
With the blessings of Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita this
year a mechiras chometz will be conducted for business
owners and neighborhood residents by the Association of
Neighborhood Rabbis of Jerusalem. The sale will be carried
out by HaRav Binyomin Adler, who was in charge of the sale at
the Jerusalem Rabbinate for many years under HaRav Y. Kulitz
zt"l, as well as by HaRav Y. Efrati, HaRav A.
Schlesinger, HaRav D. Yosef and other prominent rabbonim.
Recently, representatives of Jerusalem's neighborhood
rabbonim met for a special gathering during which it was
decided to hold an independent mechiras chometz for
the city's business owners and residents, based on the
blessings and encouragement of HaRav Eliashiv.
Shortly before the decision was reached, one of the rabbonim
employed by the Jerusalem Religious Council (Moatza Datit)
paid a visit to Maran and was told that it is prohibited for
him to cooperate with the mechiras chometz carried out
by the Religious Council.
HaRav Eliashiv holds that the Religious Council is intended
as an administrative tool to serve the rabbonim in their
work. Because the Jerusalem Religious Council acts against
the opinion of the rabbonim, from a halachic standpoint its
activities are posul. When Agudas Yisroel of America
held a Yarchei Kallah at a Jerusalem hotel, he instructed
them to hire private mashgichim. Likewise he has now
rejected the Jerusalem Rabbinate's mechiras chometz
under the current conditions.