What if they Call us a Cult?
Despite the fact that we are by no means brainwashed and, on
the contrary, even a cursory acquaintance with Talmud
is enough to convince anyone that critical thinking is
central to our lives in theory, and a quick visit to the
mikvehs and yeshiva dining rooms will make it
abundantly clear that it is also applied in practice,...
New Chapters from the Life and Teachings of R' Yisroel
Salanter zy'a
Excerpts from the memorial book, Kedosh Yisroel
published about two years ago — yahrtzeit: 5
Shvat, 5643
Intellectual Ploys for Self Improvement
R' Naftoli Amsterdam said: This is what Morenu was in the
habit of saying: In order to improve and mend one's negative
characteristics, it is imperative to study Mussar, but
in addition, a person must employ wiles and subterfuges to
circumvent his own nature.
Surveys, Inc.
By Chaim Walder
The opinion surveys have finally begun to burst their bubble.
In the runup to the election, it seemed that some of the
busiest people were those who took surveys. However as part
of an in-depth media report, investigators posing as phone
survey workers got hired at various market survey companies
and what they uncovered proved that surveys are essentially a
tool used by parties or companies to promote their
Politica: Dividing the Spoils
By E. Rauchberger
Kadima began dividing the spoils even before the elections.
Mofaz is thoroughly convinced he will be appointed Defense
Minister in the next term as well, and former GSS head Avi
Dichter will have to content himself with the internal
security portfolio or an economic or social portfolio.
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