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El Al Operates Flight on Shabbos Due to Technical Delay Despite repeated pledges not to desecrate Shabbos, El Al operated a flight from Tel Aviv to Bangkok last Shabbos night, parshas Mishpotim. Following pressure by rabbonim and public figures, El Al advanced the flight from 5:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to prevent Shabbos desecration at Ben- Gurion Airport, but the majority of the flight and the landing took place on Shabbos Kodesh.
The United Torah Judaism Central Election Staff began
operations at its offices in Petach Tikva's Kiryat Aryeh
neighborhood as Knesset elections draw near. Staff heads were
appointed and meetings were held to prepare for the setup of
local and regional election bureaus opening around the
Hundreds of managers of yeshivas and other Torah institutions
met at Binyanei Ha'Uma in Jerusalem for a yom iyun
sponsored by Vaad Hayeshivos and the Union of Yeshiva
Managers. For several hours the participants listened to
fascinating lectures that included information on government
injustices regarding the yeshiva budget. Gedolei Torah
and top chareidi activists and representatives also took part
in the event.
MK Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz was hosted by Beit Shemesh Mayor Daniel Vaknin on Monday when the Deputy Welfare Minister arrived for a working visit, accompanied by top-ranking ministry officials and joined by municipal officials and local activists.
Every MK who served from the beginning of the current term,
i.e. the full three years, and is not elected to the upcoming
Knesset will receive a total of NIS 320,000 ($70,000) in
compensation to adjust to non-Knesset life, including an
adjustment grant.
The parking problem in Brighton Park, a Jewish neighborhood
in Manchester, went from bad to worse when traffic experts
decided to reduce the number of permitted parking spaces on
the main artery, making it difficult for Jewish residents to
reach important destinations.
The Chief Rabbi of Tunisia, HaRav Chaim Bitan, paid a special visit recently to the homes of maranan and rabbonon gedolei Yisroel, a visit that was organized by HaRav Chaim Cohen, the rosh hayeshiva of Yeshivat Orchos Moshe in Moshav Berachiya. The Chief Rabbi summarized the visit, saying: "Today was like a chag for me."
Raising His Hand Against Torah Moshe! Aspects of the
Prohibition Against Going to Court by Rav Elyakim Dvorkes In the first part, HaRav Dvorkes discussed the basic prohibition and its gravity: it implies denial of Hashem and denial of the Torah — for petitioning a gentile court reveals a lack of trust in the justice of the Torah's laws. And finally, it delays the final Redemption. Even if there is mutual agreement, one may not go to such courts. Halochoh and Yir'oh The posuk "You shall cover it with pure gold; plate it from the inside and the outside . . ." (Shemos 25:11) describes the construction of the Aron that housed the Shnei Luchos Habris. The gemora (Yuma 72b) quotes Rovo, who says, based on this posuk: "Any talmid chochom whose outside is not like his inside is not a talmid chochom."
Return Serializing a new novel. For various reasons we were not able to publish a chapter of Return this week. Next week we plan to publish a double chapter.
LIFE JOURNEYS True stories about real people She grasps the side of the rough, grey rock that juts out of the cliff towering above her. Glancing back at her hiking partner, she can see that her friend regrets following her down this trail. More Home & Family . . .
The Golem of Prague — Fact or Fiction? Memories of HaRav Shach, zt"l
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
EARLIER EDITORIALS A Mission to Spread Daas Torah Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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