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Argentina Suspends Meat Exports — 30 Percent of
Israel's Supply Affected Faced with rising domestic prices for beef, Argentina suspended all exports for six months according to a report in the Israeli business daily Globes and other media. Argentinean beef makes up about 30 percent of Israel's total beef consumption, and some 50 percent of its imports.
In a 37-1 vote, the Knesset plenum passed a law that will
allow the appointment of associate judges. A magistrate court
or district court judge who retired will be allowed to return
to the bench for a maximum of four years to help relieve the
backlog of cases.
In an apparent bid to win a mandate for his policies, Acting
Prime Minister and head of Kadima Ehud Olmert detailed his
plans for a unilaterally-imposed, permanent arrangement with
the Palestinians. It is based on the policies followed by
Ariel Sharon, Olmert's predecessor, but goes well beyond
anything that Sharon ever declared in public that he was
planning to do.
A traffic court in Haifa recently acquitted drivers charged with speaking by cell phone without a hands-free set, ruling that drivers may use standard cell phones while driving as long as both hands stay on the steering wheel.
Thousands took part in a UTJ rally for Gur Chassidim held in Bnei Brak at the Keter Harimon Hall on Motzei Shabbos parshas Tetzaveh.
"Many [smokers] began smoking cigarettes on Purim under the
guise of simchah but afterwards they were unable to
quit," reads a notice to parents that the Bnei Brak
Municipality posted around the city as part of a major
campaign to prevent smoking among youth.
A total of 2,000 Israelis attended seminars and lectures when Arachim sent some of its top lecturers on a lecture tour of the US to introduce the foundations of Yiddishkeit and emunoh to Israelis in America who were severed from Jewish tradition.
The "Invisible Hand" Can Boost Torah Observance
Some people like to think that business is business and business decisions made by businessmen are purely rational, economic choices. Professor Daniel Kahneman won a Nobel prize for proving that choices are not always rational. We could offer the experience of the chareidi community — both good and bad — as further proof. After Your Enemy Falls . . . In Pirkei Ovos (4:19), Shmuel Hakoton quotes the posuk, "When your enemy falls, do not be happy. And when he falters, your heart should not be filled with happiness: for the Ribono Shel Olom may look into your heart and see how happy you are over the fall of your enemy. And He will not like what He sees in your heart. And then Hashem will withdraw His anger from your enemy" (Mishlei 24:17,18).
Observations: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Israeli
Justice Ha'aretz recently ran an interesting article that sheds light on what takes place behind the scenes in the Israeli justice system. Young attorneys come streaming to workshops organized by the Israeli Bar Association, where one can hear senior attorneys who go beyond predictable, boring, diplomatic speeches and share professional secrets with their young colleagues, exercising almost no self- censorship. Return Serializing a new novel. Chapter 16: Esther in Jerusalem September 2001 Esther works in the public relations department of Ezrat Horeinu. She is not married and thinks about her situation a lot, as do most similar girls her age.
In Costume Who says that a person does what he wants? Who determined that one only does what one is obligated to do? Sometimes, perhaps even often, you do things, or make decisions, because you have to, because `everyone' is doing it, and simply, quite simply, because you have no alternative . . . More Home & Family . . .
Introducing Spoken Hebrew: It was the Brink of War The True Influencers
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
EARLIER EDITORIALS A Mission to Spread Daas Torah Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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