Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

8 Kislev 5764 - December 3, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









Produced and housed by
Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network












Don't Cast Us Off During Old Age
as told to Esther Weil

The touching stories of three women who decided to welcome their elderly parents into their own homes and to offer them maximal care.

All three women describe the special Siyata d'Shmaya they merited during those periods and the blessings they and their families enjoyed as a result of their devotion.

True Tales of Yesteryear
They Came Back to Their Land

by Yisca Shimony

There is a small street in the old Mekor Baruch section of Jerusalem called Rechov Alfandri. A glimpse at the outstanding person after whom it was named and the two women behind him...

Climbing Ever Upwards:
Imparting Values to Jewish Children

by Bayla Gimmel

We have a short staircase that connects two levels of our house. The builder could have provided a wall between the stair and the room below. However, that would have been a classic case of overkill. Instead, he put up two vertical metal poles, one towards the bottom of the stairs and one near the top, and then screwed three wooden planks to the poles.

by A. Ross, M.Ed.

Many parents, especially mothers, feel that whatever age their son begins yeshiva ketana, whether he is thirteen, fourteen or even fifteen, this is too soon to send the child away from home. In Israel, some yeshiva ketanas prefer the boys to sleep at home, while others provide dorm facilities and prefer them to sleep in, just coming home over Shabbos or less frequently.

by R. Chadshai

My oldest son, Nathan, is a wonderful kid. He is advanced for his age, bright, alert and sweet-natured. During the first year, we were completely besotted over him. He was clean, well cared for and everyone prophesied a bright future for this child.

The Simple Life
by A. Aharoni

A typical American family, one or two children, not necessarily Jewish...

They run and we run. There are some running lessons we were wise to incorporate before we run ourselves ragged in the marathon of life in this world...

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Let's answer some more letters. We are just after the Remedia crisis, and a few people have commented that exclusive use of formula is a loser.

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