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This is our Pesach edition. The next scheduled edition is for parshas Tazria-Metzora, Wednesday 28 Nisan (April 10). May we hear only good news. Chag Kosher Vesomayach!
According to a new study, there are no more than 4 million
people in the United States who are halachically Jewish. This
figure itself should be viewed as an upper bound rather than
an exact number. The true figure is probably significantly
lower. The results of the American Jewish Identity Survey,
2001 have already been reported from various
perspectives. The following report highlights the findings
that are interesting from a chareidi perspective. Gedolei Yisroel Call for Increased Torah Study In a pronouncement to bnei Torah throughout the
world, gedolei Yisroel stress that in light of
the current state of affairs endangering the lives of
the residents of Eretz Hakodesh, everyone should
take stock of his ways and feel that this calamity has
occurred due to his shortcomings. In the wake of the call of HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, the
country's roshei yeshiva have aroused the Torah community to
take vital measures to strengthen Torah study. America is making a very public and serious effort to reach a
cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians. Though the
Americans have not said so explicitly, it is widely
speculated that the Americans want quiet in the Israel-
Palestinian conflict so that they can force out Saddam
Hussein in Iraq.
South African Jews Mourn As Violence Hits Close To Home A memorial service was held in Johannesburg this week for
three young South African victims of the Middle East
violence. The three, who died within a fortnight of each
other, were the first South African-born casualties of the
seventeen-month long Palestinian uprising. Many bereaved
family members and friends flew to Israel to attend the
funerals, and the killings received substantial coverage in
the local South African press. Internal Affairs Ministry Lists Reform Converts in
Violation of Minister's Directive Prime Minister Ariel Sharon set up a team last week headed by
Communications Minister Reuven Rivlin to evaluate various
solutions--including legislative reform--to the problem of
listing Reform and Conservative converts as Jews based on the
recent High Court decision. CLEAN FOR PESACH AND ENJOY THE SEDER!
These notes are based on the responsa of Moreinu
veRabbeinu HaGaon HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg,
shlita, rosh yeshivas Torah Ore, to questions posed by
women attending his regular chizuk talks. They have
been compiled by a group of his talmidim. The notes
also include Hebrew sources and footnotes, which are not
reproduced here. Chief IDF Rabbi Confirms Hundreds of Soldiers Converted IDF Chief Rabbi Brigadier General Yisrael Weiss has confirmed
that the IDF conversion beis din he heads converts
hundreds of soldiers. Former Tourism Minister Meets with Reform Rabbis Then Minister of Tourism Benny Alon participated in the
annual conference of the Congress of Reform Rabbis in
Jerusalem on motzei Shabbos parshas Vayakhel-
Pekudei. Five days later Alon resigned.
The postwar generation has generally had it pretty good. In
the West it grew up and came of age in a time of increasing
prosperity and general calm. There have been crises in the
West and wars in Israel, but they were usually pretty short --
a few months at most. For the most part, the past half a
century has been a period of secure establishment and growth. A Wake-Up Call from Israel You in America, we in Israel, are all acutely aware of
the emergency situation we find ourselves in. When
Torah leaders the world over issue a declaration that
on erev Rosh Chodesh Nisan all Jews should fast
and cry out to Hashem, this must alarm us. It is up to
us to take their words to heart -- as well as to see
them in their historical perspective.
These are difficult times for Jewry, for those living
in Eretz Yisroel and hearing the daily toll of lives,
snuffed out from this world forever, or those wounded -
and for those who feel along with us from afar. And
very often, it is the folks across the ocean who hear
the bad news even before we do. IN-DEPTH FEATURES Prince of Torah: Rav Shach and Limud Hatorah Rochel, Our Youngest Daughter
On Tuesday night, the eve of 13 Nissan (Mar. 26) is the
search for chometz - bedikas chometz, and
the chometz is burnt the next morning, Wednesday,
14 Nissan (Mar. 27) until the end of the zman
sreifas chometz.
On Wednesday, 14 Nissan (Mar. 27) is the fast of the
firstborn - Ta'anis Bechoros.
Pesach falls on Thursday, 15 Nissan (Mar. 28), in Eretz
Yisroel, and on Thursday and Friday (Mar. 29) in
Chutz Le'aretz. In Chutz Le'aretz an
eruv tavshilin must be made. The days until
Shevi'i Shel Pesach are Chol HaMo'ed.
From Mussaf of Yom Tov Pesach we say morid
hatal in Shemoneh Esreih instead of vesen
tal u-motor livrocho.
From Thursday night, Motzei Yom Tov Rishon Shel
Pesach, we count sefiras ha'omer until
The seforim hakedoshim write to make a meal on
the sixteenth of Nissan to remember the se'udas
Esther that she made when Homon was hanged
(Mishnah Berurah, 490:2 from the Mogen Avrohom).
Shiurim of a Kezayis Matzoh
Hand Matzoh
If the shiur of a kezayis is the volume of
50 cubic centimeters its weight is 22.5-27.5 gram
(.7875-.9625 ounces).
If the shiur of a kezayis is the volume of
45 cubic centimeters (a half of a double-sized
beitzah without its shell) its weight is
approximately 20.3-24.8 gram (.7105-.868 ounces).
If the shiur of a kezayis is the volume of
33.33 cubic centimeters (a third of a double-sized
beitzah without its shell) its weight is
approximately 15.0-18.3 gram (.525-.6405 ounces).
Machine Matzoh
Concerning the shiur of a kezayis machine
matzoh the Chazon Ish ruled (as cited by HaRav Yaakov
Yisroel Kanievsky zt'l) it being a half to two
thirds of a matzoh.
For actual practice one should ask a moreh
See Birur Halocho Orach Chaim Kamma VeTeliso'oh