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This is the Succos Edition of Dei'ah Vedibur. The next issue is scheduled to appear on Wednesday the week of parshas Noach, 30 Tishrei, 5762 (October 17). After that we plan to resume our weekly schedule of Wednesday publication. Chag Somayach!
Tuesday, September 11, 2001, started out like any other nice,
late summer day in New York: a clear blue sky, nice warm
temperatures, and a gentle breeze; surely no hint to the
carnage that was about to unfold in Manhattan starting at 8:50
AM. Many people made seemingly unimportant decisions that day
that may have ended up sparing their lives, thus giving them a
deeper appreciation of Hashgocho protis. A Report from Ground Zero The following letter was written by a member of Hatzoloh
from Brooklyn who was sent over to help after the first
moments, when it was thought that it was "only" two airplanes
crashing into the two World Trade Center towers. The writer is
not a professional author, but we have left his words intact
for the most part, making only minor corrections. One received military training in the rugged Afghan mountains.
Another was sent to Sudan to run an import-export company. A
third began a fishing business off the Kenyan coast. There is a concern about the renewal of a cartel in marketing
lulavs as the daled minim markets open this erev
Sukkos 5762. According to information that has reached
Israeli Deputy Minister Rabbi Avraham Ravitz's bureau a few
days ago, several huge dealers of lulavs are allegedly
attempting, in an absolutely illicit fashion, to monopolize
most of the lulav market, this year, as well.
Chodosh is Back According to R' Yosef Herman, long-time chodosh
activist and the compiler and publisher of the yearly "Guide
to Chodosh," from now on, "Freshly baked bakery products may
be Chodosh at this time, everywhere in the U.S.A. From this
time on, it is advised that only Yoshon bakeries should be
used." IDF: Palestinian Cease-Fire is just Tactical Perhaps starting a year to the day from the beginning of the
intifadah (both were on erev Rosh Hashanah) a fragile cease
fire has broken out in Israel. Incitement on Palestinian media
is down and attacks against Israelis have decreased,
especially inside the Green Line. Chareidi Building Boom
A number of chareidi-dominated towns are, boruch
Hashem, seeing surges in their population and offering
expanded opportunities for reasonably-priced housing with all
the benefits that have come to be associated with large
concentrations of like-minded religious residents. These
include Telz Stone, Beitar Illit, Elad and Modi'in Illit-
Achuzat Brachfeld. UTJ Will Protest FM Peres' Shabbos Desecration Against the background of the ongoing Shabbos desecration of
Foreign Affairs Minister Shimon Peres, UTJ will soon meet to
discuss ways to protest his behavior. It will also discuss its
future participation in the coalition. Succos in the Shadow of Current Events
What is the connection between Succos and the World Trade
Center disaster?
It is clear that the huge dimensions of the terrible
destruction that befell New York City and America in general
were not just the work of evil terrorists. Though they are
certainly responsible for the full consequences of their
actions, no schemer could, in his wildest dreams, have
expected to produce the awful wreckage that has ensued. Observations: Persimmons Can Now Live to a Ripe Old
Age by B. Kravitz The shelf life of persimmons is about to undergo a revolution
and the entire persimmon industry is on the verge of a
breakthrough: within five years the total Israeli crop will
double to 24,000 tons annually and 60 percent of the yield
will be exported.
Rescuing My Dance
Dance happens to be a Jewish form of expression. A famous
Admor once said that the greatness in dance lies in that it
elevates a person, if momentarily, completely from the earth,
and brings him that much closer to Heaven. IN-DEPTH FEATURES Transmitting The Legacy Of Brisk: A Tribute To HaRav Binyomin
Paler zt'l Israel's Welfare System for Victims of Terror
Yom Tov Sukkos falls on Tuesday, 15 Tishrei (Oct. 2) in
Eretz Yisroel, and in Chutz Le'aretz on both Tuesday
and Wednesday, 15 and 16 Tishrei (Oct. 2-3). We are obligated
to eat lechatchilah more than a beitzah of bread
on that night while sitting in a sukkah with
kavonoh to fulfill this mitzvah. In addition, we
must have kavonoh that we are doing so in memory of
yetzias Mitzrayim and the anonei kovod that
protected us in the midbar from the sun and the
The final permitted time to eat on Erev Sukkos
"A person should not eat from chatzos (noon) so that he
will be able to eat with an appetite in the sukkah
similar to eating Matzah" (Rama, Shulchan Oruch, Orach
Chaim, 639, quoting the Maharil. Also the Chaiyeh
Adom, Mateh Ephrayim, and other commentaries were
stringent when possible concerning eating bread).
Chatzos in central Eretz Yisroel: 11:31 A.M.
The Achronim agree that eating is only prohibited from
the beginning of the fourth hour (sho'oh zemanis) after
noon as the Shulchan Oruch rules (471). One should
study well all the detailed dinim in that siman
about what prevents a person from eating at night with
appetite since they pertain to Erev Sukkos too.
The final time of cities in central Eretz Yisroel: 2:28
P.M. This was calculated both according to the sha'os
zemaniyos from the netz haChamah until sunset, and
according to the alos haShachar of 90 minutes before
the netz until the tzes haKochovim of 30 minutes
after sunset. One should not be lenient to calculate according
to a later tzes haKochovim since this issur is
like a dina deGemora. (Birur Halocho Teliso'oh,
Orach Chaim, 639)
Hoshana Rabba falls on Monday, 21 Tishrei (Oct. 8). At
Shacharis we add the pesukei dezimrah of Shabbos except
for nishmas, all of the hoshana prayers, and
afterwards we beat the hoshanos on the floor.
In Eretz Yisroel, Shmini Atzeres and Simchas
Torah fall on Tuesday, 22 Tishrei (Oct. 9). In Chutz
Le'aretz, Shmini Atzeres falls on Tuesday, and
Simchas Torah falls on Wednesday, 23 Tishrei (Oct. 9-
Yizkor is said on Shmini Atzeres.
In Shemoneh Esrei we add Morid HaGeshem from
Mussaf of Simchas Torah.
The Achronim write that even after Sukkos we
should not step on the sechach since it is
tashmishei mitzvah like tzitzis and a
lulav (Mishnah Berurah 638:24).
On the Shabbos that we read about the ma'aseh Bereishis
we start saying Borchi Nafshi (Tehillim 104)
every Shabbos until Shabbos HaGodol.