Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

13 Tammuz 5761 - July 4, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Shema Yisrael Torah Network












Staying Back
by A. Ross

For centuries, the Jews have been known as an amibitious nation. They have a drive, both for themselves and their offspring, to shine academically. This trait is inherent in our people, regardless of whether they keep all of the mitzvos or not.

Reading and Telling Stories

by R' Zvi Zobin

MOne of the most valuable pre-reading exercises you can do with your child is to sit and read with him. Sit him comfortably on your lap and hold the book in front of both of you so that he can also look in.

by Chavi Rosenberg

This story is translated, with permission of the author, from the Hebrew "Kol Hasikuyim," a book in two parts, or rather, two books. The second half deals with independent chapters describing the tribulations and reflections of Valentina, a young Russian immigrant, and her family, in their process of absorption.

Recommended Hebrew reading for teens and adults at an intermediate language level.

Taking Heart

This is a true story sent in to Yated about Mr. and Mrs. David [pseudonym], a couple in their early eighties who have various medical problems. Their daily lives include davening and learning, taking care of a house, shopping and, of course, many doctor appointments. You should just see their appointment calendar on the fridge!

The Forever Dress
by Leah Subar

"I know you prefer that the girls not wear white," my mother said. "but they may as well enjoy it while it lasts."

My mother pulled out the cream colored dress from the suitcase.


Our recent story on Shemiras Haloshon elicited this from a reader:

This is a good time to put in a reminder about MISHMERES MACHSOM LEFI.

The Shidduch Part I
by Sudy Rosengarten

Naomi was tall, beautiful and twenty-five. She was also not married. Nobody could understand why. She had had so many wonderful opportunities but always found some reason to say "No." It came to a point where her family began to question if she even wanted to get married. "That's what happens when a girl is left alone," they lamented. "Had her parents been alive, things would have been different."

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

An obvious cause of anemia is uncontrolled bleeding such as seen in trauma. Most dangerous bleeds are pelvic and femur (thigh) fractures in which one can lose all their blood internally. Abdominal bleeding is another dangerous cause due to injury to the spleen and liver or lacerations of major vessels. All of these can be difficult to pick up, that is why many countries require all physicians to take an advanced trauma course.

Poet's Corner
Make Yourself a Shore
by Varda Branfman

Hear the boom
Of ordinary sounds
In the smell of laundry
Feel blessed
By the taste
Of buttered toast

Be aroused constantly
Awakened not once
But many times
Out of the billowing blankets

The light of day
Makes everything shine
Like a shelf full of new pots

Put yourself out to the edge
Make yourself a shore
And the sea
Will touch your full length

Holding nothing back

Even the black perspective
Everywhere you look
Even the black certainty
When black sleep waits

Lift your hands
And feel the door
Smack in front of you
Clasp the handle
And push out
To the streaming broad daylight

Then whole black days and nights
Black years
Are swallowed by that sea of light

You will always find the door
You will always be the shore
That waters kiss

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