Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

13 Tammuz 5761 - July 4, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Home and Family

Our recent story on Shemiras Haloshon elicited this from a reader:

This is a good time to put in a reminder about MISHMERES MACHSOM LEFI.

For groups around the country, contact: Esther Rakov at 03- 5742758 and Shuli Zaretsky at 03-5700981. There are some 800 English speakers in Bnei Brak who guard their tongues for an official 2 hour slot per day [we are sure they guard their tongues at all times, by now]. There are 44 groups going simultaneously.



A reader from England offers us a:

Delicious, low calorie refreshing soup or snack.

1 medium bunch celery, 3 sweet crunchy, juicy, flavorsome [Grand] apples, washed but not peeled, 1 large tin unsweetened pineapple, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, artificial sweeteners to suit personal taste buds.

Liquidize [blend] above and keep refrigerated (keeps 3-4 days).

Stir before serving. Garnish with a few grapes or raisins.


And a letter from "A concerned mother" from London:

I am afraid I take strong exception to certain points in Menucha Fuchs' article (June 1) "BY THE SKIN OF THEIR TEETH," concerning biting in childhood.

The words, "A child who bites is unhappy and desperately needs understanding" is, I think, a load of rubbish. It encourages unnecessary guilt in parents and is indicative of the general nonsense spouted by psychiatrists and psychologists nowadays that doing something `wrong' is directly related to an incident in their youth or their being misunderstood as a child etc.

Why do we need all these articles? I think that any parent with common sense and their child's genuine interest at heart knows how to react, either because of the way they were brought up or because they think about it or ask advice from someone close to them who knows their circumstances. I think it is time to stop writing articles setting out children's behavior patterns and what parents' reactions should be. Every child is different and needs handling according to his or her own character.

As for "biting a doll instead," I think this encourages violent behavior.

"Try to express in writing or by drawing a picture what is bothering you." Well, as a mother of BA'H eight lively children, this strikes me as being totally impractical and lifted straight out of a psychology textbook.

Instead of reading all these longwinded smug articles, let us work on ourselves and our own character traits so that we have the patience, understanding and love to give our children, which will make them into secure and whole human beings.

[Ed. As for biting -- or foul language, in my home we quickly cured that by the good old fashioned remedy of washing the child's mouth out with a drop of dishwashing detergent. I must say it was a job catching the culprit, but the rest of the family was eager to help, and the habit was usually nipped quickly enough; after one application, the threat sufficed. How about the antidote -- a spoon of honey, or a sweet, for a good word said spontaneously?

But, Concerned Mother, many mothers in Eretz Yisroel, some altogether new to the concept of Torah chinuch, are bringing up their children without the benefit of family or other guidance. So just take these articles with a grain of salt/pepper/detergent, but read them, anyway.]



MRS. J. KRAUSHER from London:

I have an important announcement for the chareidi sector in the area of infant nutrition, more important than that made by Materna in the Yated of May 25. Nothing new has been launched, but the product in question has been used for almost 6000 years and has always had whatever supervision parents could want. I refer, of course, to mothers' milk.

I find it laughable that "leading experts," whoever they may be, recommend the elements unique to Materna as being closest to mothers' milk, which is, by implication, the real thing. So why not recommend mothers' milk itself?

"Materna is the leader in research" implies that research is an ongoing process. In another 4 years they will discover another element in human milk "necessary for healthy infant development." And what of the formula being used until then? It lacks this yet-to-be-discovered element, as all other formulas, including Materna's non-premium, lack those elements unique to Materna Premium.

In fact, the nutritional content of human milk defies analysis as it changes constantly -- during each feed and through the day, not only throughout a child's infancy. And it contains elements to help the baby absorb and utilize those nutrients, something that formula manufacturers cannot claim about their product.

Besides nutritional value, human milk contains antibodies and other forms of protection against illnesses to which the mother and the baby are exposed.

It is important for mothers to be aware of the true nature of the choices before them when making decisions about how to feed their babies and not be presented with the one-sided [commercial] arguments of "leading experts" even if they are supported by good hechsheirim.


Mrs. Shuly Maler from Ramot, RE: DR. LIEBMAN'S "DON'T COOL BURNS WITH WATER"

Well, that did catch my eye, after all that has been written about water treatment.

Can I clarify certain points?

I respect the doctor's medical knowledge to be far advanced than the layman's, but he will admit that the emergency ward in many hospitals is, unfortunately, very busy. Therefore, rushing to the hospital with a burn does NOT mean immediate treatment.

The delay causes the burning of the flesh to continue and penetrate deeper.

Hydrotherapy, treatment with water, has always been known. Prolonged cooling, as long as there is pain, has done wonders! So if we are AWARE of potential body heat loss and wrap up the patient, or alternate to compresses, how can we go wrong?

As a mother of young children, I feel that this [water emergency treatment] must be firsthand knowledge. At the time of panic, we must know how to act quickly!



And finally, long overdue, a fan letter for Mrs. Sarah Finkel's new Cooking Page. Suri P. from Ofakim writes:

"I love this new section. It is well written and the love of cooking and of a real Yiddishe Mamma carries over. The recipes are easy, the ingredients are readily available, and the presentation is so nice. I look forward to trying out these ideas each week! Thank you!"


Please keep the letters flowing, cons, pros and prose!


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