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Chareidi representatives from all over the country bemoan the
injustice of unfair distribution of monetary and other
resources on the part of municipalities and local councils
towards the chareidi sector, especially in all that pertains
to Torah institutions. Sometimes an outcry is heard from one
particular town or settlement, but in general, life goes
on. Project Geiha Approved Municipal Building Plan 360 -- Project Geiha, for the
construction of a 39 story building near the Bnei Brak Geiha
junction has been approved by the Interior Ministry Regional
Committee for Planning and Building for Tel Aviv.
A large, stately burial cave, discovered about a week ago in
the Jerusalem Mount Scopus (Har Hatzofim) area, has
been desecrated in a most disgraceful manner by Antiquities
Authority archaeologists in violation of an agreement reached
with chareidi grave protection activists only hours
U.S. Aguda: Kosel Ruling a
Travesty Agudas Yisroel of America has denounced the recent High Court decision to allow a group of women to conduct a formal
women's service at the Kosel Hama'aravi, complete with
chanting, Torah reading and talitot. New Study Cycle of Hilchos
Loshon Hora Begins Tens of thousands of avreichim, bnei yeshiva, baalei
batim, women and girls throughout the world have just
begun a new two-halochos-a-day study cycle of the laws of
proper speech. Religious Teachers To Boycott
Education Ministry Convention In Non-Kosher Hotel Religious teachers will boycott a nationwide gathering organized by the Education Ministry for teachers and other professionals working with visually impaired children. The convention is slated to take place in a non-kosher hotel in Nazareth.
Torah Community Asked to
Contribute to Fund For Eight Orphans At the request of maranan verabonon, gedolei Yisroel,
a special fund for a family of orphans has been set up. Missionary Leaves Vita After many weeks of intensive effort, the missionary leader
of the J-Witnesses cult employed at Vita has left the
company. Lebanon Collapses and the Window of
Opportunity Closes
Once again it became clear last week as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the South Lebanon Army (SLA) ran for their lives that Israel is not able to "take its lot into its own hands," as the Zionists always proudly proclaimed they would. Directed Love It was my day to care for Mama, and I was already late. As I rushed through the park, it seemed as if all the flowers, the azaleas, roses, and lilacs, had burst open to the early spring sun. But it was the yellow roses and the memory of my mother's smile that did it. The Trip to South Africa Additional Luach Information Eruv Tavshilin must be made on Thursday, Erev Shavuos (June 8) for both those living in Eretz Yisroel and in Chutz Le'aretz. According to the Ramo (494:3) we do not say tachanun from Rosh Chodesh Sivan until after Isru Chag (there are other minhogim that do not say tachanun until after the seven days of hashlomoh that follow Shavuos). On Rosh Chodesh Sivan we do not say tachanun as like every Rosh Chodesh. The second of Sivan is called Yom HaMeyuchas since after yetzias Mitzrayim Hashem commanded Moshe to say to bnei Yisroel: "Now therefore if you will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own treasure from among all peoples" (Shemos 19:5) to prepare them for Torah. Afterwards on the third, fourth, and fifth of Sivan are the Sheloshes Yemei Hagboloh when bnei Yisroel waited for kabolas HaTorah (Mishnah Berurah 494:8, and see Shabbos 86- 88). Shavuos falls on Friday, 6 Sivan (June 9) and in Chutz Le'aretz also on Shabbos, 7 Sivan (June 10). From this Shabbos until Parshas Pinchos there will be a different kerias HaTorah in Eretz Yisroel and Chutz Le'Aretz. Birkos HaTorah on Shavuos Those who remain awake the entire Shavuos night can continue to study Torah after the alos hashachar until they find someone to be motzi them with birkos hatorah (Dinim Vehanhogos of Maran the Chazon Ish zt'l, Orach Chaim 1:12, referring in general to someone who did not sleep the whole night). If that person slept on erev Shavuos a sheinas kevah in bed and later was up the entire Shavuos night he is memah nafshoch obligated in birkos hatorah (Mishnah Berurah 47:28 in the name of R' Akiva Eiger. In the above-mentioned section of Dinim Vehanhogos is a note that points out that HaRav Aharon Kotler zy'a directed the yeshiva students to follow without any pikpukim R' Akiva Eiger's ruling.) According to this that person should stop studying at alos hashachar and after alos hashachar should say the berochos himself. It is desirable to arrange that the person who is motzi others (those who did not sleep during the day) should do so immediately after alos hashachar. For such matters the alos hashachar is the "later" one of "seventy-two minutes." According to the Summer Clock it is in Yerushalayim at 4:07 A.M., in Bnei Brak, Tel-Aviv, and the Dan area at 4:07 A.M., in Haifa at 4:03 A.M., in New York at 3:37 A.M., and in Eilat at 4:16 A.M. See Birur Halocho, IV and V, Orach Chaim 47. The earliest time of Kiddush Levonoh -- Sivan The time of Kiddush Levonoh everywhere in the world begins when it is Monday, 11:00 A.M., 2 Sivan (June 5). The actual time in most of the world is therefore from the beginning of Monday night, the eve of 3 Sivan. In the extreme eastern countries one can already make a berochoh on the moon that night according to the difference in time zones in comparison to Eretz Yisroel. However, in the extreme western countries even on Sunday night, the eve of 2 Sivan (June 4) it is impossible to make Kiddush Levonoh. The astronomical new moon follows the molad this month by four and a quarter hours and is on Friday, 28 Iyar (June 1) at 3:14 P.M. However, during the three days following the astronomical new moon the moon approaches its lowest point (perigee) and advances extremely quickly. As a result it cancels its appearing after the molad and on the contrary it advances even more than its calculated position according to the molad. This information is significant for those who act according to the Chazon Ish and do not make a berochoh on the moon until it is big and high in the sky. |