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Letter from HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein about Fireworks
To the Honored Residents of our City:
HaGaon R' Chaim Falagi, one of the great figures of the Jewish people of two centuries ago, wrote in his work, "Moed Lechol Chai" that the use of fireworks comes from the goyim and it is not fitting for our people in any place and at any time to do so, and whoever does is guilty of, "You shall not do like their actions."
Letter from HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita about Bein Hazmanim
Motzei Shabbos Mishpatim 5778
I would almost suggest abolishing the Bein Hazmanim and vacation breaks and all of the kind. Wasn't Bein Hazmanim devised so as to relax the mind which toiled in Torah throughout the zman, as is described by the Rambam? But this hardly applies in our times.
R' Yehoshua Eibeschitz Accuses Polish Citizens During the Holocaust
From the perspective of his 102 years on this earth, Rabbi Yehoshua Eibeschitz, a Polish Holocaust survivor who lost his entire family, testifies to the participation of Polish citizens during and after the war, in persecution of Jews. His own brother was murdered after he was fingered by a Pole as a Jew.
Polish Advertising Campaign about the Holocaust
Many Israelis have recently been exposed to a short promotional video publicized by the Polish prime minister who seeks to capture Israeli awareness and persuade the public that "the Polish people are not to blame for Nazi crimes." The clip attempts to arouse empathy for the suffering of the Poles by the Nazis and establish the idea of German death camps for them inclusive.
For many years it has been argued that the members of the Jewish community in Algeria, persecuted by the Vichy government during the Holocaust, never received due recognition and proper acknowledgement for the great suffering they were subjected to. The focus was always, very naturally so, on the mass decimation carried on against European Jewry, while the Algerian community was shunted to the sidelines.
Rain and Kinneret Watch
by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret - 5778.
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From Our Archives
Derech Eretz and Much Torah -- The Jewish Community of Syria
by A. Ariel
Now when Syria is so much in the news because of the (stalled) peace talks, it is a good time to recall the illustrious Jewish community that flourished for thousands of years in Syria. This first part reviews the history, and the second part presents biographies of some of Syria's major rabbonim.
They All Return to You
by N. Beer
We have met the varied participants of the daily Daf Yomi shiur and how it has influenced their lives. Reb Feivel, in his eighties, is recuperating from a heart attack. The members take turns visiting him.
What is a Ben Torah?
By HaRav Shimon Moshe Diskin zt"l
In the first part, HaRav Diskin developed several important yesodos. The Torah is the blueprint of the world and what it determines, is what happens and how things work. If the Torah says that the color of techeiles brings one to think of Hashem, then the similar color of kolo ilan will not do, and anyone who tries to substitute the latter is denying the full Divine aspect of the Torah. Similarly, when Hashem said that the makkas bechoros would force Pharaoh to release Bnei Yisroel, it acquired the power to do so, and only it. Thus it was Hashem's ability to determine exactly who was a bechor that ensured that the makkas bechoros actually was what it was supposed to be and therefore that ability forced Pharaoh to release Bnei Yisroel. Also a ben soreir umoreh only becomes hopeless when he completely loses his connection to Torah. A ben Torah is someone who follows these principles and is completely formed by the Torah. "Anyone for whom the Torah is his only guide in all he does is a ben Torah."
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants