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Dozens of vacation resorts and attractions, including many established and central ones, relatively recently decided to join the Shabbos observers and not operate on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Since this decision of joining the `King's legion', they tell Yated Ne'eman that they do not cease experiencing blessing in their work. "Not only have we not lost out, but on the contrary, our income has increased in inexplicable proportions." Yaron Mark from "Indi Park", Nadav Nevo from "Chavaya BaGilboa" and Eren Gigi from "Jordan River Rafting" are merely a representative example of those who have been privileged to make a Kiddush Hashem and receive the blessings of Shabbos which are worth more than thousands in gold and silver, since [Shabbos] is the source of all blessing.
"When we are fighting for the sanctity of Shabbos, that is the only consideration"
HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv zt"l was once asked by the administrator of a large organization if the directive to only visit recreation sites that are shomrei Shabbos is also in effect when large expenditures and inconvenience for thousands of students are in the balance and there are alternate sites to visit. He said: "This is a time of war for the sanctity of Shabbos in Eretz Yisroel and therefore, there are no other considerations aside from this, even it means extra bother and expense."
Comments about the UNESCO Decision about Chevron
"Something positive did come out from what took place at UNESCO," explains Shama Hakohen. "UNESCO is the only organization within the U.N. which recognizes the Palestinian claim to nationhood and membership. This is a total contradiction to the U.N. constitution which states that only a nation which is a member of the U.N. itself can be accepted in any of its subsidiary organizations.
New York State will Allow Dinei Torah on Sunday
In the closing days of the New York State legislative session late last month, a bill was passed that will clearly allow Batei Dinim to operate on Sundays. This is a victory that has much more importance than may appear at first glance.
From Our Archives
The Remarkable Comeback of a Dead Man
by Chaim Bloom
Until slightly more than a year ago, Bill Morgan was no different than any other resident of Australia, his birthplace. He worked hard for his living as a truck driver and was happy when he managed to finish the month without an overdraft.
Sticking with the Truth in our Lives
by Mordecai Plaut
America is aging, and product design and marketing are tracking this change. The way it is being handled is a classic example of the way in which modern values -- especially those that may be only subtly evident and implied - - can clash deeply with the Torah person's approach to the world.
Or Letziyon: A Beacon for the Yishuv
By Rabbi Aryeh Gefen
This Shabbos, 19 Tammuz, is the first yahrtzeit of HaRav Ben Tziyon Abba Shaul, zt"l, a great gaon and leader of Klal Yisroel, as well as rosh yeshivas Porat Yosef.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants