HaRav Eliashiv zt"l

HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv zt"l was once asked by the administrator of a large organization if the directive to only visit recreation sites that are shomrei Shabbos is also in effect when large expenditures and inconvenience for thousands of students are in the balance and there are alternate sites to visit. He said: "This is a time of war for the sanctity of Shabbos in Eretz Yisroel and therefore, there are no other considerations aside from this, even it means extra bother and expense."
HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman was asked by a large outreach organization which wanted to visit attractive vacation sites which were mechalelei Shabbos. He ruled: "It will not do anything for your outreach efforts. It will not bring you more students."
HaRav Chaim Kanievsky was also approached about the pushy attempts of brokers trying to get principals and heads of camps to take their children to Shabbos-violating recreation sites during bein hazmanim. He ruled: "Whoever visits places that are mechalelei Shabbos, thus supporting them, is thereby desecrating the Name of Hashem and is also considered a mechalel Shabbos accomplice himself."