"Something positive did come out from what took place at UNESCO," explains Shama Hakohen. "UNESCO is the only organization within the U.N. which recognizes the Palestinian claim to nationhood and membership. This is a total contradiction to the U.N. constitution which states that only a nation which is a member of the U.N. itself can be accepted in any of its subsidiary organizations.

"Ever since that decision, the Palestinians have taken advantage of their membership and launched a political terror campaign against us. In the past, they thought that this would harm only us but what happened was precisely the opposite since the world countries understood, somewhat late, that the Palestinians are a nuisance and are causing themselves and UNESCO untold trouble, including the stoppage of budget allocations, hatred and anger on the part of other nations."
As a result, today no UN organization is prepared to even hear about accepting Palestinians as members. No organization wants to risk having funds denied them or incurring other problems which UNESCO is suffering from. "Understandably, I am not happy nor do I bless what happened here but in the end, there is a small benefit from this story."