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A Window into the Chareidi World

19 Kislev 5775 - December 11, 2014 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly

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The Center of the Universe
At The Center of the Universe
by Mordechai Plaut

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Bribing Yeshiva Students to Attend Lectures to Get Them to Enlist in the Army

Government collaborators who appeared chareidi recently called upon yeshiva students to participate in seemingly innocent lectures on kashrus offering free transportation and a monetary reward for attendance. To the surprise of the talmidim who attended, the lecturer turned out to be an army officer in uniform whose main subject was that the level of kashrus in the army is up to par with their religious standards.

Outgoing Non-Religious Auditor Praises Chareidi Education

An article in Mercaz HaInyanim written by Avi Maman told how, three years ago, the Treasury Department appointed as its auditor of the Chinuch Atzmai, an accountant, Itamar Shoshanah. A private accountant by profession, Shoshanah was totally ignorant of the chareidi lifestyle. In the past, those appointed to that oversight position had a religious or traditional background that helped them to understand Chinuch Atzmai's particular needs and ways of approaching things. The fact that Shoshanah completely lacked this understanding caused a long list of differences and arguments which threatened a deep split between the two sides. Things were so bad that the heads of Chinuch Atzmai had doubts if they could ever work successfully with Shoshanah.

Farmers Cease Working their Lands on the Basis of Emunah

Many long weeks have passed since the onset of Shmittah, and thousands of farmers continue to leave their lands fallow and desist from all work during this Seventh Year, as per the command of the Torah, while the heads of Keren Hashevi'is, the sanctified fund of our gedolei Yisrael, labor during these months throughout the world to assist those farmers economically so that they can continue to let the land rest from all work without resorting to any halachic leniencies or loopholes so as to keep within the full letter of this mitzvah.

Reflections on Chanukah: To Make Them Forget Your Torah and Remove Them from the Statutes of Your Will

"One who has delved in Torah has a different heart, a different brain and a different soul."

Midrash Rabbah Bamidbor comments on the verse, "When you shall kindle the lights," as follows:

The Torah first writes about the dedication of the Mishkon, when the princes of Israel brought their sacrifices. Then the Torah says: "Speak to Aharon: When you shall kindle the lights . . . " (Bamidbar 7) This is referred to in Tehillim (34), "Fear Hashem, [you] His holy ones, for those who fear Him lack nothing."

Rain and Kinneret Watch

Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.

Ha'Admor Rabbi Yisroel Taub, zt'l, of Modzhitz

In honor of his yahrtzeit, 13 Kislev (5681)

The holy court of Modzhitz needs no introduction and is perhaps renowned chiefly through its soul-stirring melodies and songs which resound through the world wherever there are Jews of Torah and tefilloh. Here we will dedicate our lines to the source and wisdom behind this music, the first Rebbe of Modzhitz.

From Our Archives

Opinion and Comment
In Those Days and In Our Times

by Mordecai Plaut

More than 2,000 years ago, we faced a difficult test: "The evil Greek Kingdom stood against Your People Israel, to make them forget Your Torah and to force them away from the laws that You willed." Greece was a difficult and dangerous enemy, who attacked us at vulnerable points and succeeded in causing considerable damage before she was defeated. Her thrusts were effective and perceptive, and she won many converts to her idolatry from among the Jewish people before she was soundly and repeatedly defeated on the battlefield by the few weak tzaddikim and Torah learners who stood up against her.

Opinion and Comment
Educating the Next Generation: Questions Put to HaRav Steinman by American Mechanchim and Rabbonim - and His Answers

by Rabbi Yisroel Friedman

On his whirlwind trip to America, HaRav Aharon Leib Steinman found the time to answer many queries about various issues of concern. We have collected many of the highlights here in order to benefit the wider community from the Rosh Yeshiva's enlightening answers.

Opinion and Comment
The Fifth Chanukah Candle

by S. Lyon


When Yaakov returned home from the vosikin minyan, the dew still glistened on the pine trees and the milk truck was just about to pull away from the grocery store.


Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)

May-July, 2005


The Message of an Earthquake

A Mission to Spread Daas Torah

Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit

Can I - Should I?

The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants

More Editorials . . .

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