Farmers Cease Working their Lands on the Basis of Emunah
By Y. Sheinfeld
Many long weeks have passed since the onset of Shmittah, and thousands of farmers continue to leave their lands fallow and desist from all work during this Seventh Year, as per the command of the Torah, while the heads of Keren Hashevi'is, the sanctified fund of our gedolei Yisrael, labor during these months throughout the world to assist those farmers economically so that they can continue to let the land rest from all work without resorting to any halachic leniencies or loopholes so as to keep within the full letter of this mitzvah.
The members of Keren Hashevi'is note that no day goes by without their having to contend with farmers who vacillate whether to continue adhering to the mitzvah halachically, due to the economic difficulties facing them. "We assist them in every possible way so that they can persevere, but it depends on the scope of the help we receive from the public. Every iota of support from families which donate and help, enables a farmer to continue keeping the mitzvah of Shmittah which obligates every one of us."