A Great Forum for Kovod HaTorah: The Festive Siyum of the Oz
VeHodor Edition of Shas
by Yechiel Sever
A great crowd headed by maranan derabbonon the
gedolei haTorah and chassidus, roshei yeshivos,
admorim and rabbonim, all gathered on Wednesday 17 Teves at
the Avenue Hall on the Ben Gurion Airport grounds in honor of
the siyum of the new edition of Shas known as "Oz
VeHodor" that was done by a group of outstanding talmidei
chachomim headed by HaRav Yehoshua Leitner.
Mikveh Crisis Discussed in Knesset
By Eliezer Rauchberger
A number of mikvo'os face the threat of closure
because they lack money to pay for heating fuel, and remain
in operation only through the efforts of the National Center
for Family Purity, a private charity, which delivers fuel to
MK Gafni Says Knesset Would Intervene If Highly
Unreasonable Court Rulings Become More Common
By Eliezer Rauchberger
"A law should be legislated regarding judicial discretion in
sentencing, which would promote uniformity and consistency in
court rulings in Israel," said Knesset Constitution Committee
Chairman MK Menachem Ben Sasson (Kadima) on Monday during a
committee meeting initiated by MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni to
discuss sentencing in Israeli courts.
Gafni Asks Yishai to Stop Shabbos Desecration at Carmel
By Yechiel Sever and Y. Arielli
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni (UTJ) asked Industry, Trade and Labor
Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) to prevent Shabbos desecration at
an excavation project underway at the Carmel Caves in
Most Soviet Jews Feel Like Part of Jewish People
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
A survey commissioned by the Jewish Federation of New York
and conducted by the Israeli Institute for Democracy's Gutman
Center in collaboration with the Institute for the Study of
Soviet Jewry at the Lovda Institute in Moscow found that 80
percent of Jews from the former Soviet Union feel that they
are a part of the Jewish people and 75 percent are proud of
their Jewishness, especially among those under the age of
Bill to Provide Attorney to Family of Deceased Before
Performing Autopsy
By Eliezer Rauchberger
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni tabled a bill that would require
providing families with legal council in the event the court
orders an autopsy.
Chaim Shel Torah Opens Branch in Antwerp
by Yechiel Sever
Chaim Shel Torah is starting a training course for Antwerp
for avreichim interested in becoming private
Torah is Only an Antidote when One's Torah Meets the Required
A shmuess by HaRav Gershon Edelstein shlita
Part I
Torah study serves as an antidote to the yetzer hora.
The yetzer hora is always active and does not cease
his work, even for a moment. It has to be countered with a
constant opposing force, and that is by occupying oneself
with Torah. However, the Torah is an antidote to the
yetzer hora but it is only effective when one's Torah
is up to the required level, including being without
interruptions. If there are periods of bittul Torah
then, "if you abandon Me for a day, I will abandon you for
two days", and if for two days, then [I will abandon you for]
four days, and if for several weeks or more, the estrangement
from Torah gives a lot of power to the yetzer hora,
and much more Torah is required to return to one's original
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an Earthquake
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I - Should I?
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
More Editorials . . .
Additional Luach Information
"Some are accustomed to pray Yom Kippur Koton (on
erev Rosh Chodesh)...The Maharom of Korduviro would call
it Kippur Koton since on it would be atoned the sins
of the whole month...The seforim write that even if
someone doesn't fast he should do teshuvah on this day
and remedy the sins of the whole month since this is the last
day of each month just like erev Rosh HaShannah is of the
whole year" (Mishnah Berurah 417:4).
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