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Justice Minister Working to Introduce Civil Marriage
Concerns voiced by gedolei Yisroel shlita that civil
marriage will be introduced into Am Yisroel, inevitably
leading to breaches in the walls of Yiddishkeit,
proved justified when Justice Minister Daniel Friedman
told reporters he plans to arrange civil marriage for Jewish
couples, in addition to the arrangement for non-Jewish
couples Chief Rabbi Amar agreed to one day earlier.
Members of the Degel HaTorah Executive Board and rabbonim
from the Vaad Ruchanis convened at Degel HaTorah Headquarters
in Bnei Brak to discuss issues currently on the agenda.
Despite coalition opposition, the Knesset House Committee and
Constitution Committee have decided to discuss the issue of
fair representation for chareidim on the boards of directors'
of government and municipal companies.
Haifa Religious Council employees will receive their salaries
now that the Haifa Municipality has advanced next month's
funding transfer based on a request by Minister Yitzchak
Cohen. MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni contacted Minister Cohen last
week, saying the crisis situation at the religious councils
continues to cause distress.
At its annual presidential board meeting headed by gedolei
Yisroel at the home of HaRav Nissim Karelitz in Bnei
Brak, Mifal HaShas renewed its commitment to foster Torah
study among ameilei Torah.
As bein hazmanim begins Vaadas HaRabbonim Lemaan
Kedushas HaShabbos is reminding the general public to ensure
that sites are shomer Shabbos before setting out to
visit them in order to increase kovod Shomayim and not
to cause chilul Hashem by patronizing places that
desecrate Shabbos.
Headed by many gedolei Yerushalayim, ziknei
Yerushalayim and rabbonim, thousands accompanied the
mittoh of HaRav Dov Meir (Berel) Kreuzer zt"l,
who passed away following years of suffering he accepted with
by Yated Ne'eman Staff Concerning expenditures involved with making simchos,
may the latter increase. And even if Hashem has graced a
person with wealth, he is advised to be modest and restrained
with his money, and whoever trains himself in the practice of
self sufficiency, and suffices with little, is blessed with
years that are wholly good — writes the Pele Yoeitz.
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
According to the Ramo (494:3) we do not say tachanun
from Rosh Chodesh Sivan until after Isru Chag (there
are other minhogim that do not say tachanun
until after the seven days of hashlomoh that follow
On Rosh Chodesh Sivan we do not say tachanun like on
every Rosh Chodesh. The second of Sivan is called Yom
HaMeyuchas since after yetzias Mitzrayim Hashem
commanded Moshe to say to bnei Yisroel: "Now therefore
if you will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then
you shall be My own treasure from among all peoples"
(Shemos 19:5) to prepare them for Torah. Afterwards,
the third, forth, and fifth of Sivan are the Sheloshes
Yemei Hagboloh when bnei Yisroel waited for
kabolas HaTorah (Mishnah Berurah 494:8, and see
Shabbos 86-88).
We do not say vetzidkoscho tzedek on Shabbos since it
is the YOm MaMeyuchas