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Special Shtar Mechiras Chometz for Non-Observant Owners
Based on instructions from Maran HaRav Eliashiv
shlita, when owners of businesses, factories, stores
and food services who do not keep Torah and mitzvas sell
their chometz, the shtar mechiras chometz must
be written in such a way that it is legally binding and
includes severe sanctions against anyone who tries to dismiss
the shtar as a document used merely for religious
Meet the expert on Jerusalem affairs: Amir Muadi, a 12-year-
old Druse boy from Haifa who came in first place in the
national children's quiz on Jerusalem. Amir, a sixth-grade
student at Fichman School, defeated hundreds of contenders on
his way to the coveted title.
Average total Pesach expenses hover around the NIS 1,800
($430) mark per household, while the typical food and drink
bill ranges from NIS 700 to NIS 1,100 ($170-$260) according
to a survey conducted by the Federation of Israeli Chambers
of Commerce's Department of Economics and Taxes. However many
chareidi households with large families spend much more.
The cost of kashering hotels in Israel for the upcoming
holiday will total NIS 70 million ($17 million) at over 300
hotels around the country, according to a survey by the Hotel
Union's Economics Department, which conducted a survey for
the first time this year to assess the costs associated with
kashering hotels for Pesach.
Following numerous requests regarding the problem of water on
Pesach, MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni contacted Mekorot CEO Ronen
Wolfman and Central District Manager Yisrael Mantel with his
annual request to provide a solution for those who do not
want to drink water from the Kinneret that passes through the
uncovered national water carrier. On the other hand
underground water does not raise any concerns of containing
chometz since it is not exposed.
Based on calls by HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner and HaRav Nissim
Karelitz shlita, the City of Bnei Brak is stepping up
enforcement of the closure of restaurants by 11:00 p.m.,
particularly during the days preceding Pesach.
Mifal HaShas Haolami holds Even Ho'ezer Siyum Gedolei Torah veChassidus were on hand for a
siyum to mark the completion of the Shulchan Oruch
Even Ho'ezer in the framework of Mifal HaShas' horo'oh
study program.
A large gathering was held at the Beis Yaakov Teachers'
Training Institute in Jerusalem to dedicate a new seminary
scheduled to open at the beginning of 5768 and named after
the late Avrohom Zeev and Gittel Samet. Opening Ceremony for Siach Sod Hydrotherapy Pool in
Ramot At a gathering that was at once painful and filled with hope,
the City of Jerusalem held an opening ceremony for a new
rehabilitative swimming pool in Ramot Dalet at the Siach Sod
School. The new pool was built on a large plot of land
allocated to the organization through efforts by Mayor Rabbi
Uri Lupoliansky. Bottled Water Industry is the Fastest Growing in the
World This year's holiday table will be more varied but healthier
than ever, at least among those who choose to serve the new
drink: Aqua Nova Soda. The trend towards more healthy foods
serves as a marketing booster and has been transformed into
an official marketing strategy at a significant number of
companies. The Sale of Chometz by Nonobservant Jews By HaRav Yosef Efrati This topic has come under repeated discussion in recent
years. We present a synopsis of Rav Efrati's article
explaining HaRav Eliashiv's opinion on the subject in the
Hebrew Yated Ne'eman of 4 Nisan. We and Our Children and Our Children's Children: A
Compilation of Anecdotes and Pearls for the Seder
R' Betzalel z'l, a prominent talmid chochom
from Kelm, quoted what his grandfather the author of the
Malbushei Yom Tov, used to say on the seder
Pitfalls of Interest in Modern Financial Markets
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
On Sunday night, the eve of 14 Nisan (Apr. 1) is the search
for chometz - bedikas chometz, and the chometz is
burnt the next morning, Erev Pesach, Monday, 14 Nisan (Apr.
2) until the end of the zman sreifas chometz. On Erev
Pesach the firstborn fast—Ta'anis Bechoros.
Yov Tov Pesach falls on Tuesday, 15 Nisan (Apr. 3), in Eretz
Yisroel, and on Tuesday and Wednesday (Apr. 3-4) in Chutz
Le'aretz. The days until Shevi'i Shel Pesach are
Chol HaMo'ed.
From Mussaf of Yom Tov Pesach in Eretz Yisroel we
recite morid hatal in Shemoneh Esreih instead
of vesen tal u-motor livrocho.
From Tuesday night, Motzei Yom Tov Rishon Shel Pesach,
we count sefiras ha'omer until Shavuos.
The seforim hakedoshim write to partake in a meal on
the sixteenth of Nisan to remember the se'udas Esther
that she made when Homon was hung (Mishnah Berurah,
490:2 from the Mogen Avrohom).
Shevi'i Shel Pesach falls on Monday, 21 Nisan (April
9) and in Chutz Le'aretz on Tuesday, 22 Nisan (April
10) is Yom Tov Sheini Shel Goliyos - Shmini Shel
Many are accustomed to read Pirkei Ovos after
Minchah of Shabbos from Pesach until Rosh
Our minhag is not to pray Yom Kippur Koton and
surely not to fast during the month of Nisan.
Rosh Chodesh Iyar falls on Wednesday, Apr. 18 and
Thursday, Apr. 19.
On Shabbos parshas Tazriya-Metzora a mi
sheberach for those fasting Behab is said.