Hamas Ready for Halt in Kassam Attacks
by M Plaut and Yated Ne'eman Staff
Hamas said it was prepared to immediately halt Kassam attacks
on Israel from the Gaza Strip. The announcement came at a
meeting yesterday of Palestinian factions. This is the latest
in a long line of similar declarations from Hamas, which has
said repeatedly that it is ready for a temporary truce with
Israel — perhaps lasting many years — but is not
willing to recognize or make peace with "the Zionist
American Agudah Convention Opens Thursday
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
The 84th National Convention of Agudath Israel of America
will open Thursday, November 23, at the Sheraton Stamford
Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut.
CBS: Children Make Up One-Third of Israel's Population
By G. Kleiman
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) figures show that at the
end of 2005 there were 2,326,400 children (ages 0-17) living
in Israel: 1,608,300 Jewish children, 643,000 Arab children
and more than 70,000 "other" children from immigrant families
whose religion is not listed in the population registry.
Electric Corporation Official Fired for Moving Transporter
on Shabbos
By Eliezer Rauchberger
"This was not a case of pikuach nefesh. The
transformer didn't have to be transported on Shabbat. In this
case the contractor chose to transport the transformer on
Shabbat for financial reasons," said Israel Electric
Corporation CEO Uri Ben Nun during a meeting of the Knesset
Labor and Welfare Committee two weeks ago to discuss the
Electric Corporation's decision to relieve Logistics
Department Director Tzvi Manor, who was responsible for the
incident, of his duties.
Thousands Join Gedolei Yisroel for Gathering to Strengthen
by Betzalel Kahn
A major gathering on Motzei Shabbos at Ramat Tamir Halls in
Jerusalem was attended by a number of gedolei Yisroel
led by Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita, roshei yeshivos,
roshei kollelim and thousands of avreichim.
Torah-Based School in Sederot Displaced After Rocket Lands
By Betzalel Kahn
The students of the Yesodei HaTorah and Chinuch Atzmai
schools in Sederot are exposed to increasing danger. The 350
students and 30 staff members learn in classrooms without
protection against the Kassam rockets that fall on the city,
sometimes on an everyday basis, and their fear is
Volunteers at Public Institutions Eligible for
By Eliezer Rauchberger
The Knesset Finance Committee unanimously passed the Finance
Ministry's request to facilitate the integration of thousands
of volunteers at various public institutions by making them
eligible to receive reimbursements for transportation costs,
refreshments and phone calls.
Swindlers Posing as Gemach and Tzedokoh Representatives
Prey on the Innocent
by Betzalel Kahn
Heads of prominent gemachim warned that several
swindlers have been using crooked means to cheat people out
of large sums of money.
Apartment Prices in Charish to be Controlled to
Accommodate Chareidi Buyers
By Betzalel Kahn
Within three weeks the construction plans for the town of
Charish will be altered to accommodate the needs of the
chareidi sector and the Ministry of Construction and Housing
will prepare a special marketing plan to insure low apartment
prices, MK Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz and Housing Minister Meir
Shetreet decided last week.
Iraq's Christians Cower and Flee
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
A recent bomb blast killed two people after a Sunday services
at a church in Baghdad. In the northern city of Mosul, a
priest from the Syriac Orthodox Church was kidnapped. His
captors demanded that his church put up posters denouncing
recent comments made by the pope about Islam, but police
found his beheaded body a few days later.
More News ...
Challenges of the Modern World: Tsnius — the Soul of
our Nation
Not over every problem do gedolei Yisroel led by Maran
HaRav Eliashiv shlita all come in person to attend a
kenes aimed at improving the situation. In their
capacity as advisors of countless individuals and
organizations, they would certainly come only when they see
for themselves the tremendous need to deal with a growing
issue that has caused serious damage and could, if not
checked, do much worse.
Telolei Oros: Medicine and Halochoh
By Rav Yissochor Dov Rubin
"For I Am Hashem Your Healer"
Telolei Oros presents sources relating to doctors and
patients. May it be Hashem's will that the verse be fulfilled
in us: "The entire malady that I inflicted upon Egypt I will
not inflict upon you, for I am Hashem your Healer"
(Shemos 15:26).
More Opinion & Comment . . .
The Blackout
by Yehudit Dolgin
It had been a long day. Malka Weiss, nee Braun, sat on the
bus on her way home. As she gazed out the window, her mind
played over the conversation she'd had earlier in the day
with her best friend Tzippora.
More Home & Family . . .
Rabbi Meir Kessler: Don't Feel Poor, Feel Happy
by Rabbi Rafael Berlson
Fiction by Chaim Walder
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an Earthquake
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I - Should I?
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
More Editorials . . .
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