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Marseille Welcomes HaRav Shteinman and the Admor of
The joint visit by HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman and the Admor
of Gur shlita left a powerful imprint on the Jewish
community of Marseille, the first stop on their European
chizuk trip that began last Sunday, 11 Iyar-April
Vaad HaRabbonim LeInyonei Giyur, founded by the late
Gavad of Antwerp, HaRav Chaim Kreiswirth, has issued a
statement clearly warning the public not to rely on any
mainstream media reports related to the conversion issue.
The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee began
talks on the passage of a law allowing the deferment of
military service for full-time yeshiva students. The section
of the law that allows them to defer military duty was
legislated five years ago and is about to expire.
The large annual Lev L'Achim conference, this year billed as
the "Tenth Annual Gathering," had a dramatic impact on the
avreichim who came together from various parts of the
A recent meeting of the Degel HaTorah Executive Board at
party headquarters in Bnei Brak opened with a survey of the
weekly meetings held in various locations in the North, South
and Central Regions to discuss the expansion and renewal of
existing branches and the setup of new branches in 45 towns,
local councils and regional councils.
Egged is making special arrangements to transport thousands
of visitors to R' Shimon Bar Yochai's gravesite in Meron on
Sunday, Lag BaOmer, Secretariat Chairman Gidon Mizrachi told
a group of chareidi reporters at Beit Egged. Logistical
changes are scheduled to begin on Erev Shabbos and continue
through Sunday night.
153 French Citizens Who Saved Jews During Holocaust to
Receive Legion of Honor Award The list of 1,000 French citizens slated to receive the
Legion of Honor award, the country's highest civilian award,
includes 153 people that Yad Vashem has recognized as
Righteous Among the Nations for their efforts to save Jews
from being sent to Nazi concentration camps during World War
II. The list also includes renowned Nazi hunter Beate
After years of planning the new museum of the Jewish
community of Florence (Firenza), the capital of Tuscany,
opened in a building adjacent to the local beis
knesses, a splendid Moorish shul built from 1874-82. Chareidi Consumers Purchasing More Diet Products The dietary products market is exploding in Israel and abroad
as part of the health trend uniting many peoples and
cultures, and the chareidi sector is not being left out
according to a survey on the popularity of health products in
the chareidi population conducted by the Geocartographia
Institute. TaT Olom Hayeshivos Distributes Thousands of Discount
Coupons Five thousands coupons were distributed by TaT Olom
Hayeshivos to yeshiva students around the country to provide
yeshiva and kollel students discounts on the purchase
of quality suits manufactured by Lorenzo and Lebovitz and
hats made in cooperation with the Baron chain. The discounts
were worth hundreds of shekels per student.
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
On Sunday night, the eve of 14 Nisan (Apr. 1) is the search
for chometz - bedikas chometz, and the chometz is
burnt the next morning, Erev Pesach, Monday, 14 Nisan (Apr.
2) until the end of the zman sreifas chometz. On Erev
Pesach the firstborn fast—Ta'anis Bechoros.
Yov Tov Pesach falls on Tuesday, 15 Nisan (Apr. 3), in Eretz
Yisroel, and on Tuesday and Wednesday (Apr. 3-4) in Chutz
Le'aretz. The days until Shevi'i Shel Pesach are
Chol HaMo'ed.
From Mussaf of Yom Tov Pesach in Eretz Yisroel we
recite morid hatal in Shemoneh Esreih instead
of vesen tal u-motor livrocho.
From Tuesday night, Motzei Yom Tov Rishon Shel Pesach,
we count sefiras ha'omer until Shavuos.
The seforim hakedoshim write to partake in a meal on
the sixteenth of Nisan to remember the se'udas Esther
that she made when Homon was hung (Mishnah Berurah,
490:2 from the Mogen Avrohom).
Shevi'i Shel Pesach falls on Monday, 21 Nisan (April
9) and in Chutz Le'aretz on Tuesday, 22 Nisan (April
10) is Yom Tov Sheini Shel Goliyos - Shmini Shel
Many are accustomed to read Pirkei Ovos after
Minchah of Shabbos from Pesach until Rosh
Our minhag is not to pray Yom Kippur Koton and
surely not to fast during the month of Nisan.
Rosh Chodesh Iyar falls on Wednesday, Apr. 18 and
Thursday, Apr. 19.
On Shabbos parshas Tazriya-Metzora a mi
sheberach for those fasting Behab is said.