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Violent Moslem Protests Sweep Through Middle East; Europe
also a Target Moslem protests of Danish cartoons that satirized the Prophet Mohammed swept across the Middle East and elsewhere in the world on Monday. Many were violent. There was violence in Afghanistan where at least five protesters died and more than a dozen police and protesters were wounded.
A new serious breach has developed in Eastern European
countries particularly those of the former Soviet Union. The
grave situation concerns non-Jewish families who are entering
into Jewish communities by enrolling their children in Jewish
The chareidi community was shocked by the desecration and
defilement of the dead last week when the Haifa District
Court approved an autopsy on the body of Frieda Wiesel
o"h, who was found dead in her apartment in Kiryat
Ata. Following the incident, demonstrations took place around
the country.
The City of Bnei Brak will become one of the first municipalities in Israel to issue debentures said Deputy Interior Minister Ruchama Avraham at a working meeting in Bnei Brak.
Despite a stiff protest by Degel HaTorah representatives
Welfare Deputy Minister MK Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz and MK Rabbi
Moshe Gafni, the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice
Committee decided that the next Knesset would continue talks
on formulating a "Constitution for Israel" (Chukah
LeYisrael) even without unanimous agreement on the
The Chevra Kadisha Forum and the director of ZAKA's legal
department filed a complaint to Kfar Saba police against Alei
Shalechet, a company that has set up the only crematorium in
A Jew standing in place at the arrivals terminal at Manchester International Airport wearing tallis and tefillin drew suspicions among airport security personnel. They tried to speak to him, but since he was in the middle of tefillas Shemoneh Esrei he made no reply. The confrontation ended without incident, reports The Jewish Tribune.
Deputy Welfare Minister MK Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz, who serves as commissioner of the Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority, was recently hosted by the Authority. Chairman Shlomo Bakish presented Rabbi Ravitz with a survey of the activities run by the Authority, which handled 2,344 prisoners and their families last year.
Nearly a hundred people, including a 14-person delegation from the African Jewish Congress (AJC), participated in a rousing rededication ceremony of the Lusaka synagogue on 29 January. A number of American Jews connected with the local US Embassy were also in attendance.
Finance Ministry Budget Department Visits Modi'in
Illit A full delegation of officials from the Finance Ministry's budget department toured Modi'in Illit and held a working meeting with Council Chairman Rabbi Yaakov Guterman. The visit set a precedent since the department's personnel rarely engage in field work.
Torah Min HaShomayim: Messages from Hashem to Man
In preparation for the parsha of matan Torah in Yisro. The Rambam takes almost 2,000 Hebrew words to discuss the 13 Yesodos of our Religion. Only two of those words are "emes," and only one instance is applied to the Torah as the last of a list of attributes: Vehakol Toras Hashem temimoh, tehoroh, ukedoshoh, emes — it is all the Torah of Hashem that is perfect, pure, holy and true.
A Letter About Torah Chinuch HaRav Gifter zt'l, was always an articulate and forceful spokesman for authentic Torah hashkofoh. Whether writing an essay or a letter, delivering a talk in the yeshiva, or an address at an Agudah convention, he always conveyed a pure Torah outlook on contemporary issues and affairs in the Jewish world, with sharpness and clarity.
Return Serializing a new novel. Chapter 13: Mir Yeshiva (April 2001) We return to Dean-Daniel who has spent the recent months in Israel in a chareidi environment that he "happened" into when fleeing criminals. He has made a lot of progress.
ASK THE SHADCHAN Question: "I find it interesting that many young men and women spend incredible amounts of time uncovering minor, inconsequential evidence of illnesses in the past while overlooking the much more important and germane aspects of who their perspective partner really is. I would like you to comment on how much one should dwell on questions about health." More Home & Family . . .
The Maharsham: Daas Torah Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
EARLIER EDITORIALS A Mission to Spread Daas Torah Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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