Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

12 Av 5765 - August 17, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Out of Gaza Within 10 Days!
by M Plaut, B Kahn and Yated Ne'eman Staff

The army is now saying that it hopes to finish evacuating the Gaza Strip settlements within 10 days, that is, by a week from Thursday. If they are successful, it means that there will be no Jewish civilians in Gaza by Shabbos, parshas Eikev. No timetable for a full military withdrawal was given.

Psak Halochoh

With Hashem's help, 1 Iyar, 5763

In response to the halachic query from the Modi'in Illit— Kiryat Sefer rabbonim about playing games and looking at all sorts of movies on computers, the following is our opinion:

Campaign to Save Vilna Cemetery Continues
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

A delegation of prominent roshei yeshivos from the US arrived in Vilna recently to try to halt construction work on the site of an ancient Jewish cemetery in the city, after it was discovered that the authorities desecrated 700 graves and plan to raze the remaining graves in order to build a large business and tourism center.

Disengagement Briefs
By Aryeh Zisman

The Whole World is Watching

The international press covered the evacuation from every possible angle, devoting several minutes of air time to reports at least. About 900 official press representatives were around for the first day on Monday. Others are covering the events from communities in the area, but there do not seem to be the 2-3,000 members of the press that were expected.

The "Autonomous Jewish Authority of the Gaza Strip" is Set Up in Shirat Hayam
By Betzalel Kahn

Shirat HaYam is located just a ten-minute walk away from Neve Dekalim and not far from the Chof Dekalim Hotel (Palm Beach Hotel) which was transformed into the Maoz Hayam outpost of the IDF a few weeks ago and its extreme-right residents forcibly evacuated. But now those evicted from Chof Dekalim Hotel have taken up their a position in nearby Shirat Hayam.

Questions, Frustrations and Conclusions
by Yated Ne'eman Staff and Rabbi Yitzchok Roth

The Disengagement question has driven a wedge in the Israeli public for several months, but it seems that both sides have a feeling that the coming days will be very difficult, chas vesholom, and in general nobody knows what lies in store for us either in the short-term or the long-term future. Political analysts have already published various scenarios regarding "the day after," but nobody dares to present his speculation with any certainty lest it be proven wrong for all to see.

CER condemns Antisemitic Letter in Ukraine
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

The Conference of European Rabbis (CER) strongly condemned the signatories of a recent letter by leading Ukrainian personalities and politicians calling for the banning of Jewish organizations in the country.

HaRav Moshe Shmuel Shapira Undergoes Emergency Surgery in the US
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

HaRav Moshe Shmuel Shapira, shlita, was flown to the US on Monday night where he underwent emergency surgery on Tuesday to treat a blocked artery. Gedolei Yisroel are asking the public to bolster their tefillos for Rachamei Shomayim for Moshe Shapira ben Mina Golda.

Kosher Vacationing
By Y. Freund

A wide variety of activities are sponsored by Mishmeres Hakodesh Vehachinuch. The organization strives to arrange vacation spots and attractions for the chareidi public without compromising on taharas hakodesh. In addition to approved swimming pools, the Chofetz Chaim Water Park and Ashkelona, which are all closed on Shabbos of course, this year two new sites have been added to the list of attractions suitable for the chareidi public.

Radical New Iranian President Calls for Renewed Uranium Production Following Inauguration
by Arnon Yaffeh, Paris

With calls of "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" the locks placed at the atomic site in Isfahan were broken and the production of liquid gas from natural uranium intended for the production of enriched uranium was renewed, launching an international crisis. Europe and the US did not rush to respond to the provocation and are showing restraint.

MK Rabbi Gafni Demands Mikveh and Eiruv in Nitzanim
by G. Lazer

During a Knesset Committee tour of the temporary housing site at Nitzanim, MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni was astonished to find that the planners of the site designed to accommodate Gush Katif evacuees had no plans to construct either a mikveh or an eiruv, although the majority of the incoming residents are from the religious sector.

HaRav Avraham Chaim Feuer joins Yeshivas Midrash Shmuel for Tisha B'Av
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Tisha B'Av at Yeshivas Midrash Shmuel this year was elevating and inspirational as a packed auditorium was privileged to hear the wisdom of the illustrious HaRav Avraham Chaim Feuer, rav of Kehillas Beis Avrohom in Monsey, New York and author of a number of acclaimed publications.

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