Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

12 Av 5765 - August 17, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Kosher Vacationing

By Y. Freund

A wide variety of activities are sponsored by Mishmeres Hakodesh Vehachinuch. The organization strives to arrange vacation spots and attractions for the chareidi public without compromising on taharas hakodesh. In addition to approved swimming pools, the Chofetz Chaim Water Park and Ashkelona, which are all closed on Shabbos of course, this year two new sites have been added to the list of attractions suitable for the chareidi public.

Tzemach Beach — Following prolonged negotiations this fabulous beach on the banks of the Kinneret has now been designated for use by the chareidi public during Bein Hazmanim. Mashgichim yirei Shomayim are stationed on the premises 24 hours a day to oversee tznius and other matters. The beach offers a range of activities for the entire family with two separate beaches for men and women and unique water activities. The beach is operated in cooperation with chareidi enterprises and is the result of concerted efforts for the sake of the chareidi community.

Based on a conversation with Rabbi Aryeh Blumental, who is among the operators of the site, an agreement was reached with Ronen Ben Menashe, CEO of religious travel company Orot Menashe, after the beach management made a commitment to keep Shabbos all year round.

The beach management spent NIS 120,000 to prepare a special beach designed for simultaneous use by men and women. Adjacent to the beach is a dry family area with enormous lawns, showers, restrooms and more. The men's beach features a water park and the women's beach has water trampolines, bubble pools (breichot ketzef) and water rides. The entry fee is NIS 28 per person. Visitors who pay by Yisracard receive a second ticket for free in exchange for 165 points, and of course group discounts are available.

How can you reach the site? Hoffman Tours operates daily busses from Jerusalem and Bnei Brak and weekly lines from other locations. Combination tickets are also available, providing both round trip bus fare and admission to the beach at reduced prices.

"The public should know that we did our part," says Ronen Ben Menashe, one of the primary figures behind the initiative. "Half a million shekels was invested in many areas of Tzemach Beach for the sake of Shabbos and now the public is being called on to come and realize we did it for you!"


Glatt Kayak — Orot Menashe — Orot Menashe is a religious tourism company in the Golan Heights that, in cooperation with Mishmeres Hakodesh Vehachinuch and Vaadas Harabbonim of Shabbos, started a new, previously unknown kayaking route for the chareidi public. The 90-minute course follows the Jordan River from a point south of Kfar Bloom and, according to Ben Menashe, secular Jews will not be allowed entry.

The kayaking route has separate hours for groups and families and stresses the issue of tznius. Orot Menashe leased the site and operations are fully disclosed to Vaadas HaRabbonim.

The route is designed for separate groups and other routes with certain restrictions applying are available for families. Mashgichim from Chatzor maintain close supervision along the length of the route, preserving an appropriate atmosphere on the banks as well. Mishmeres Hakodesh Vehachinuch is investing great efforts into making the site suitable to provide recreation sites appropriate for the bnei Torah public.

The cost is NIS 29-35 for groups and NIS 48-55 for families.


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