Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

12 Av 5765 - August 17, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











The "Autonomous Jewish Authority of the Gaza Strip" is Set Up in Shirat Hayam

By Betzalel Kahn

Shirat HaYam is located just a ten-minute walk away from Neve Dekalim and not far from the Chof Dekalim Hotel (Palm Beach Hotel) which was transformed into the Maoz Hayam outpost of the IDF a few weeks ago and its extreme-right residents forcibly evacuated. But now those evicted from Chof Dekalim Hotel have taken up their a position in nearby Shirat Hayam.

In blistering heat and high humidity the residents of the small community adjoining Kfar Yam waited at 6:00 a.m. on Monday, with dozens of reporters nearby, for the arrival of soldiers delivering eviction orders. The gate was blocked with barbed wire and reporters were not allowed in. Eventually the majority of reporters managed to gain entry via side routes and the residents held tefillas Shacharis in front of the cameras, taking the sefer Torah out to the entrance of the community, which consists primarily of prefab structures and tents.

The tents are mostly used to shelter dozens of young people known as the Hilltop Youth, a leaderless troupe looking for action in Gush Katif. But these youths, with their disgraceful behavior toward the media, were joined by local residents who have lived there for years and together they awaited the arrival of the IDF officers carrying eviction orders. The delivery was delayed for several hours due to clashes at the entrance to Neve Dekalim.

Observers estimate that about 1,000 people are now staying in Shirat Hayam. One of them is Arik Yitzchaki, who set up the Gaza Communities Absorption Administration several months ago and this week declared himself head of the Jewish Authority for Gush Katif residents. The secular Yitzchaki, a resident of nearby Kfar Yam, arrives at the gate to Shirat Hayam as his neighbors stand praying Shacharis early in the morning, letting loose vituperative remarks against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

"Whoever comes here and hands out the eviction orders has no shame," he exhorts. "He is a officer lacking integrity and a war criminal. What is going to take place here, in accordance with all of the international regulations, the Fourth Geneva Convention which Israel signed and the UN Convention, is the arrest of residents and their expulsion from their homes. This is clearly a war crime. The person responsible for this is Arik Sharon. We will turn to the International Court in the Hague against the individual who ordered this crime to be carried out."

When Yitzchaki declared the formation of the Jewish Authority on Sunday night he dispatched an "official" press release reading, "From the moment the State of Israel relinquished responsibility for the rights and property of the residents united in this organization on the 10th of Av 5765, this established committee will act as the temporary autonomous authority in these territories until internal elections are held on the 1st of Elul 5765. This authority will safeguard and protect the lives and property of the citizens in the area of the communities abandoned by the State of Israel."


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