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OPINION & COMMENT Planning for the Jewish People without Chareidim The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute (JPPPI), a think- tank founded by the Jewish Agency to ponder the present and future of the Jewish People, got headlines for their 2005 annual report published this month by announcing that Israel's Jewish community will "soon" be the world's largest. Right now, according to their assessment, it is just behind the US, but the US community is declining while Israel's is expanding. Hence Israel will soon overtake the US. Proper Torah Chinuch In the first part, HaRav Diskin cited the example of the dedication of the Menorah by the Maccabeeim on the original Chanukah that showed that even if they could have used impure oil to light the Menorah since it was for communal purposes, since they were setting the foundation in chinuch of the Menorah they had to use pure oil in order to ensure that the subsequent avodas Hashem using it would be proper.
"If You So Wish, Your Vacation Will Be Productive" Dear . . . . THE FIRST THING to remember and be aware of at all times is: Hashem Yisborach, and to remember that everything is in the hands of Heaven. If we want the vacation to be successful, that it rejuvenate and invigorate us, then our eyes must be lifted to Heaven, for this is a fundamental principle in avodas Hashem, as is written, "Hashem desires those who fear Him, those who yearn for His loving kindness."
On Books and Mistakes The first part discussed several instances in which there were mistakes in published books. In one case the digits "133" were read instead of "tzadi-tzadi-vov. People devoted considerable efforts over the years to solve the problem. Some printers offered to pay a reward to anyone who showed there where there was a mistake in their work. Advance Warning on Mattos and Massei Reading It is twenty-one years since Mattos and Massei were last leined on separate weeks and perhaps this is an opportune moment to remind those who will be leining Massei that they should acquaint themselves in advance with the minhag of their Community as to where to make the break for the second aliyoh (Levi). All material on this site is copyrighted and its use is
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