To The Editor:
It is twenty-one years since Mattos and Massei were last
leined on separate weeks and perhaps this is an
opportune moment to remind those who will be leining
Massei that they should acquaint themselves in advance
with the minhag of their Community as to where to make
the break for the second aliyoh (Levi).
The Mogen Avrohom in Simon 428:8 writes that one must
not interrupt the forty-two recorded travels of Bnei Yisroel,
since they correspond to the forty-two letter Name.
Consequently the Kohen's aliyoh must not stop before
verse fifty.
The Sha'ar Ephraim (7:25) also rules like the Mogen Avrohom,
as do most of the poskim I have consulted. It is
therefore most unusual to find that the majority of
Chumoshim fix the end of the Kohen's aliyoh at
verse 11 (!).
I would appreciate if any reader would advise me as to
whether the ruling of the Mogen Avrohom applies only to
Shabbos or equally to the Shabbos mincha and Monday /
Thursday leining?
I remain yours sincerely,
Avrohom Goldstone