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13 Tammuz 5765 - July 20, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network

Opinion & Comment
On Books and Miss-takes

by Y. Ben Avi

Part II

The first part discussed several instances in which there were mistakes in published books. In one case the digits "133" were read instead of "tzadi-tzadi-vov. People devoted considerable efforts over the years to solve the problem. Some printers offered to pay a reward to anyone who showed there where there was a mistake in their work.

What, indeed, could the printers do? To avail themselves, for example, of the services of the readers themselves. Robertus Stefanus, a well known printer in Paris of the sixteenth century, used to hang the proofs of his books from the doorway of his print shop, promising payment to whoever discovered an error. Christopher Palantin, a printer of the same era, did the same in his establishment in Antwerp, Belgium.

The administrators of the Re'em print shop in Vilna, the widow and her two sons, promised a reward for every error that was found in the Chumoshim which they printed. It is told that a simple villager did, in fact, appear one day and asked to speak with the Dowager (as she was reverently called) regarding the sum of five rubles which she owed him. The clerks were amazed, assuming at first that their mistress had taken a loan from this simple fellow, which didn't make sense. But he explained that he had found five mistakes in the Chumash and had come to claim his reward.

No one really knows what ensued. Perhaps he received his reward, but apparently the many other printers who made similar promises did not always honor them. Shaul Kronengold the proofreader, wrote an article which appeared in Otzar Hasifrus in 1892. It relates that the various printers had a pat answer whenever confronted with a blunder: "Someone else has already received the reward for that error . . . "

Payment for discovered mistakes was still in practice a generation ago. In 5718 (1958), the "Institute for the Publication of the Works and Manuscripts of the Chasam Sofer" in Jerusalem announced that the galleys of the upcoming publications would be available to whoever wished to examine them, and for every error found the person would receive a lira reward. For every ten mistakes — he would receive a free volume.

Ungentle Gentile

Anyone who would have peeked at the frontispiece of the Tur Orach Chaim which was printed in Venice in 5313 (1553) would have probably wondered at the date of publication, it being stated as some 220 years before the invention of the printing press. To be sure, this was, again, a blooper of a "printer's boy" who left out the `three hundred' figure and wrote 5013.

In 5274 (1514), the Sefer HaTanya was published in Italy. This work of dinim uminhogim has, similarly, the figure of 200 omitted from the title page, and whoever saw this book could have thought that it had been printed 200 years before Gutenberg.

An error in the date of publication is pale in comparison to a title page in which the printer accidentally takes credit for authorship. In 1714, Dayan R' Leib of Amsterdam printed a Shas Bavli which included addenda from his father and grandfather. The title page states: "Shas with addenda of the Marshal and the Maharsha and novella commentary from my great- grandfather, the Maharan Shapira, and from the notes of Adoni Ovi HaRav HaGaon the Moharish zt'l."

Twenty years later, in 1734, D. Yablonitzky also printed a Shas, in Berlin. He incorporated in his edition the addendum of the Maharan Shapira and his father, the Moharish, which had already been printed twenty years prior in Amsterdam. An overenthusiastic typesetter most probably did not realize that the title page was also copied, in its entirety, including the words, "And from what was found . . . of my grandfather etc." Whoever read the title page was left with the impression that this referred to the ancestors of the Berlin printer, himself.

Of a different sort altogether are those blunders made by the various censors which might have been funny were the circumstances not so sad. Often as not, they showed a total lack of understanding of the material they were dealing with. The problematic words, in their eyes, were "nochri, goy, min [apostate]" and "oreil." These were summarily replaced with "aku'm" wherever they appeared. Thus, the verse "Shomer goy kodosh" was transformed into the ridiculous "Shomer aku'm kodosh" and "min kitniyos" to "aku'm kitniyos."

The words of the Beis Yosef in Yoreh Dei'ah regarding "Nochri she'eino aku'm" [a gentile who did not worship idols] became, "Aku'm she'eino aku'm." Perhaps, ignoramus censors who were not illiterate were chosen for this task so that, when in doubt, they would lean to the more severe side and erase as much as possible.

Not always was the error a product of ignorance. At times, when it seemed to a minor censor that things did not jibe with his religion, he would take the trouble to embellish the text with pearls of his own `wisdom.' In the abbreviated Piskei Harosh in Bova Metzia, perek 5:3, it says that one who finds a lost object after the owners had already given up on it, can take possession of it. In the margin was added, "And gentiles publicize and return."

In Yevomos, it is written that "Any person who is not married is not a [whole] person. The Christian [Catholic] censor, a priest who was not permitted to marry, must have squirmed uneasily about this and hastened to amend it to "Every Jew who has no wife . . . "

The Rov Passed Away — and was Still Living in Mir

On the fourth of Nisan of 5651 (1891), the newspaper Hameilitz published an obituary of R' Chaim Leib Tikochinsky, rosh yeshivas Mir. This was a false report which somehow crept into the paper as if it were verified. Interestingly enough, the writer, or the source of the information, went on to describe the funeral as if he had been there himself. The story is brought by A. Schwartz in an article he wrote on the subject.

"Mir, in the region of Minsk, donned mourning on the Thursday of parshas Tazria . . . for yesterday afternoon, our crowning glory was removed from our head. The pillar of Torah, HaGaon R' Chaim Yehuda Tikochinsky, rosh mesivta of our city who served us for forty years, left us, having produced in his yeshiva a distinguished roster of great and famous rabbis.

"All the shops were shuttered down and all the yeshiva students and the notables of the city went after his bier to accompany him to his final rest and there, he was duly eulogized by the rabbi of our city, R' Yom Tov Lipman, and the rabbi darshan from Turetz."

This article was signed by the reporter who gave the impression that he had attended the funeral in person.

Mir was shaken to the core and hastened to deny the disturbing mistake. In one of the successive issues of the paper, it was written that HaGaon R' Yom Tov Lipman of Mir, author of Malbushei Yom Tov, sent a telegram stating that the announcement of the death of HaGaon R' Chaim Tikochinsky was a figment of someone's imagination.

The administration of Yeshivas Mir also published a clarification that brooked no misinterpretation: "We were horrified and shocked to see the announcement in Hameilitz regarding HaGaon R' Chaim Yehuda Leib shlita, Rosh Mesivta here, which was a total lie, a figment of someone's imagination, without an iota of truth to it. For, thanks to Hashem, the former was not sick, or debilitated, G-d forbid, and is alive and well with us this very day . . . And Boruch Hashem, he is healthy and hearty, immersed in his great diligence and application to his holy work, actively involved with his burden of students all day long, and the audacity and falseness of the lie shall wither and waft away like a passing cloud."

Seven years later, the real funeral of R' Chaim Tikochinsky took place.


A similar woeful mistake occurred in 1919, this time by the Dvir publication in Jerusalem. The disclosure arrived by telegram from the Zionist office in Copenhagen. Maran HaGaon R' Meir Simcha Hacohen, Gavad of Dvinsk, author of Ohr Somayach, was reported to have fallen victim to an attack of hooligans as he was walking along the street.

The news caused deep sorrow in Jerusalem. Posters were pasted throughout the streets calling upon the faithful of Hashem residing in Zion to gather on Thursday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, 5679, in the R' Yochonon ben Zakkai synagogue and the Churvah Shul. "HaRav HaGaon R' Yehoshua Cherwinsky shlita shall bemoan the holy, beloved fallen ones in a bitter eulogy, especially the death of the Tzaddik Gaon, Minister of Torah, HaRav . . . Maran Meir Simcha, son of HaRav R' Meshulam Klonymus Hacohen ztvk'l from Danneburg."

A month later, the truth came out: Maran HaGaon R' Meir Simcha Hacohen was alive and still actively occupying the seat of rabbinate in Dvinsk.

It became clear that what had really taken place was that the Ohr Somayach had been escorted through the streets of Dvinsk under Bolshevik military guard on one of the days of the Bolshevik Revolution. But along the lengthy road extending from Dvinsk to the offices of the newspaper, something had gone awry . . . One can just imagine the confusion and embarrassment of the editors of the paper.

The Ohr Somayach passed away in 5686 at the age of 83. He is said to have remarked that the eulogies that the newspaper had written about him in his lifetime served him as a living mussar book for the remainder of that life.

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