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Population Administration Pressured to Recognize
Conversion Performed Abroad by Unrecognized Rabbis
Sarkozy Supplants Chirac as Leader of Right-Wing
Growing Kehilla Activities Reported at UOHC Council
Meeting Delegates representing the constituent shuls of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations (UOHC) gathered at a new venue last Sunday for the twice-yearly Council meeting. Bnei Brak Parking Violations Below National Average By A. Cohen The number of parking violations by Bnei Brak residents has been decreasing in recent years compared to the national average according to a report released by the City Parking Authority based on accumulated statistics. Fifth Anniversary of Avos Uvonim in South Africaby Yated Ne'eman Staff The school year ended last week in South Africa. The summer holiday began with a special event for the many boys who learn in the various Johannesburg mosdos. It was the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Avos Uvonim which took the form of a melave malka on motzei Shabbos Vayeishev. R' Yisroel HaKohen Bloom, z"lby Rav Nosson Einfeld US Jewry lost a rare gemstone with the passing of R' Yisroel HaKohen Bloom z"l, founder of Yeshivas Darkei Torah in Far Rockaway, who passed away on Erev Yom Kippur. Reflecting a life of good deeds and elevated character the words "Yisroel asher becho espo'er" were inscribed on his gravestone. R' Refoel Posen, zt"l
During the week of Parshas Vayishlach, 5765, R' Refoel Posen, zt"l, passed away at the age of 86.
Sefer Ma'aseh Yehudis
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Leiter, already known for his original works on the five Megillos, has once again benefited the Torah community with the publication of his new sefer, Ma'aseh Yehudis. This slim volume contains a thorough treatment of the well-known story of Yehudis, the valorous woman who cleverly succeeded in beheading the Greek governor of Jerusalem in the times of the Hellenists. All material on this site is copyrighted and its use is
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