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A rare gathering of maronon verabonon, roshei yeshivos and ramim was held on Motzei Shabbos to address the damage being done to bochurim by cellular telephones. Gedolei Yisroel called for the removal of the plague from yeshiva halls.
The wholesale conversion industry in Israel has reached new dimensions with the transfer of responsibility for the Special Conversion Courts to the Prime Minister's Office. Rabbi Chaim Druckman, head of the Conversion Administration at the Prime Minister's Office, reported to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that since taking over conversion matters several months ago he has signed 727 conversion certificates.
Following a prolonged battle for control, French President
Jacques Chirac's rival, Interior and Finance Minister Nicolas
Sarkozy, took over the governing right-wing party, Union for
a Popular Movement (UPM), on Monday, at a lavish inauguration
ceremony resembling a coronation. Some 50,000 mostly young
participants received him with trumpet blasts, in accordance
with the new custom of the French right, in an enormous hall
at Le Bourget Airport.
Delegates representing the constituent shuls of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations (UOHC) gathered at a new venue last Sunday for the twice-yearly Council meeting.
The number of parking violations by Bnei Brak residents has
been decreasing in recent years compared to the national
average according to a report released by the City Parking
Authority based on accumulated statistics.
The school year ended last week in South Africa. The summer
holiday began with a special event for the many boys who
learn in the various Johannesburg mosdos. It was the
celebration of the 5th anniversary of Avos Uvonim which took
the form of a melave malka on motzei Shabbos
The gathering of maranan verabonon the gedolei haTorah vehaChassidus last motzei Shabbos parshas Vayeishev just to discuss the problems posed by cellular telephones should be a powerful indication of how serious the problem is. Travel is difficult for some, and all are very concerned with how they spend their time, yet they nonetheless came in person because the danger is perceived as very serious and the need for action is urgent. The Spirit of Chanukah The story of Chanukah is well known to all. The Greeks came and defiled the Beis Hamikdosh and all its oils. The Chashmonaim, after liberating the Beis Hamikdosh, could find only one jug of oil fit for lighting. They lit the Menorah with that one jug and miraculously, the oil burned for eight days.
Days of Yore in Jerusalem A personal story Part II There was mutual help with the food. The entire neighborhood participated in preparing food for the seudas mitzva of a neighbor who married off a child. Because there weren't any refrigerators, the preparations were begun the day before the wedding. Everyone took upon herself to cook or bake something for the meal. More Home & Family . . .
Agudath Israel of America's 82nd National Convention Stubbornness Pays Off in Beit Shemesh — Contracts
with Chareidim Must be Honored
Additional Luach Information Chanukah starts on Wednesday parshas Miketz, 25 Kislev (Dec. 8) and ends on Wednesday, 3 Teves (Dec. 15). We must be on the alert in regards to fire safety and not light the neiros near inflammables. Small children should not be left alone near the neiros.
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