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We wish our readers and all Klal Yisroel a kesviah vechasimah tovoh. This issue is the Rosh Hashanah-Yom Kippur issue. The next issue is our expanded Succos issue. The issue after that is expected to appear after Succos, for parshas Bereishis.
An exclusive report in by Ha'aretz military
correspondent Ze'ev Schiff claims that hundreds of al-Qaida
militants who fled Afghanistan have moved into Palestinian
refugee camp Ein Hilwe near Sidon in Lebanon. The group
reportedly includes senior commanders, and is organizing to
seize control of that camp, which is in any case outside of
the control of Lebanon and its army.
To our fellow Jews everywhere:
Even amid the terrible anguish and pain we are all feeling,
the special, sublime nature of the Jewish people shines
forth. As Moshe Rabbeinu, with his loving eye, declared:
"Even as You show love to nations, all its holy ones are in
Your hands" -- on which Rashi comments that even at times of
Jewish anguish, "all their righteous and worthy cling to You
and do not withdraw from You, and You watch over them."
An large nine-judge panel of the High Court ruled unanimously
on Tuesday morning that the army was legally entitled to
relocate two relatives of a terrorist from the West Bank to
Gaza, because they helped him carry out the attacks. The
court said that the two who are being relocated can return to
the West Bank after two years.
Misrad Hapnim: Two-Thirds of Russian Immigrants Not
Jewish The Interior Ministry issued an official announcement last
week confirming that two-thirds of the 9,357 immigrants who
arrived in Israel since January of this year are not Jewish.
The Ministry now claims this figure is representative of
aliyah from 1990 to the present. Retired Dayanim and Beis Din Advisers to be Certified
Arbitrators Following a demand by Deputy Education Minister Rabbi Avrohom
Ravitz, former dayanim, potential dayanim and
rabbinical court advocates (to'anim rabbonim) will be
included on the list of certified arbitrators. Book Written by Haskalah Figure and Disguised as Mussar
Distributed Among Chareidim
Recently an anonymous publisher tried to reprint a book
written by leading Haskalah figure Naftoli Hertz Wessely in
Berlin, and to distribute it within the chareidi sector,
despite scathing denunciations by the gedolei hador of
over 200 years ago.
Near the beginning of his sefer that explains the basics of life, Derech Hashem (I,2), the Ramchal explains very clearly Hashem's point in creation: "The purpose of the Creation is to benefit others with His Goodness, may He be blessed. And He is not satisfied with doing a minimal amount of good, but only with benefiting with the maximum good that created beings can receive. COMMUNICATION Do you really know your child? How can you love him -- and make him feel it -- without knowing him? "You don't love me. You don't know me. You love the person you want me to be." IN-DEPTH FEATURES Portraying The Past And Ensuring The Future: HaRav
Yitzchok Isaac Halevi Rabinowitz, zt'l, Author Of Doros
Horishonim Providing the Talmud and Other Religious Texts to the
Holocaust Survivors
Additional Luach Information Monday, 3 Tishrei (Sep. 9) is Tzom Gedalyah on which we fast in memory of the killing of Gedalyah ben Achikom who was appointed by Nevuchadnezer to protect the Jews, after the destruction of the first Beis HaMikdash. The custom is to make kaporos during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah. "It is proper for every male to try to obtain an aliyah during these days. Even where the aliyos are sold he should buy them, according to his capability. On the contrary, it is more advantageous to pay for a mitzvah than to receive it for free" (Mateh Avrohom cited in Mishnah Berurah 584:8). The minhag is for the Mora DeAsra to say a deroshah on Shabbos Shuvah to awaken the olam to teshuvah and inform the community of the halochos of Yom Kippur and Sukkos (see Mishnah Berurah chap. 429). It is a mitzvah to eat on Erev Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur falls on Monday, 10 Tishrei (Sep. 16). Yizkor is said on Yom Kippur. On Yom Kippur one is prohibited in all the five inuyim. Shiurim for Yom Kippur When the doctor does not require a person to eat normally but rather he or she can eat less than the halachic shiur, the person may drink every nine minutes a volume of 40 cubic centimeters of liquid and eat 34 cubic centimeters of food. A cubic centimeter and a gram are an identical amount only in water where 40 grams of water is equal to 40 cubic centimeters of volume. In other drinks the amounts are not identical, and as far as food is concerned there is no comparison between weight and volume. The weight of a cookie is approximately 18 grams. The weight of a matzoh is 15-18 grams but it is 34 cubic centimeters. The weight of 40 cubic centimeters of milk is 41 grams. The weight of 40 cubic centimeters of grape juice is 44 grams. The weight of 34 cubic centimeters of natural honey is 57 grams. (Birur Halocho Kamma and IV Orach Chaim 612) Kiddush Levonoh is said on Motzei Yom Kippur (for those who do not follow the Gaon's ruling to make Kiddush Levonoh during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah.) The minhag is to start building a Sukkah on Motzei Yom Kippur. Yom Tov Sukkos falls on Shabbos, 15 Tishrei (Sep. 21) in Eretz Yisroel, and in Chutz Le'aretz on both Shabbos and Sunday, 15 and 16 Tishrei (Sep. 21- 22). We are obligated to eat lechatchilah more than a beitzah of bread on that night, while sitting in a sukkah, with kavonoh to fulfill this mitzvah. In addition, we must have kavonoh that we are doing so in memory of yetzias Mitzrayim and the anonei kovod that protected us in the midbar from the sun and the rain.
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