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Maranan verabonon are planning to issue a general Kol
Korei later this week to support the UTJ list in
Yerushalayim for the City Council as well as Rabbi Uri
Lupoliansky for mayor. In an unusual show of support, Maran
HaRav Yosef Eliashiv shlita himself signed the Kol
David Klein, the Governor of the Bank of Israel, announced on
Monday that the Bank of Israel's key interest rate for June
would be 8.0 percent, 0.4 percent below the current rate. The
interest rate reduction is at the higher end of the what was
In the latest of his inflaming proclamations, Interior
Minister Avraham Poraz (Shinui) informed Attorney General
Eliakim Rubinstein he supports granting citizenship based
solely on the Citizenship Law, a law that allows entry to
Israel based on "humanitarian reasons, uniting families,
identifying with Zionism or those whose endeavors make a
tangible contribution to Israeli society."
Israel Accepts a Palestinian State; Sharon Defends the
Move In a dramatic move, the current Israeli government dominated
by the Right accepted the basic outlines of the Road Map for
solving the conflict with the Palestinians, including the
formation of a Palestinian State. The vote was 12 in favor, 7
opposed and 4 abstaining. The abstainers were Likud ministers
Limor Livnat, Danny Naveh, Binyamin Netanyahu and Tzachi
Hanegbi. Israel's Comments on the Road Map Israel has 14 reservations about the road map. In approving
the Road Map, the Cabinet approved the reservations as well.
An official text of the Israeli reservations was not
released, but their content was publicized. The points
are: Prayer Rally in Bnei Brak Against the Anti-Religious Decrees
On Monday May 26-28 Iyar there was a rally in Bnei Brak to pray and
protest the efforts of the current government, based on its
official coalition agreement, to lessen the presence and
influence of Torah and Judaism in Eretz Yisroel. UTJ Launches Final Week of Election Campaign
The United Torah Jewry election staff in Jerusalem has
stepped up the campaign drive as next Tuesday's municipal
elections draw near. Aguda Convention Held in Bournemouth, England The Eighth Convention of Agudas Yisroel of Europe opened last
Friday afternoon in the vacation town of Bournemouth in
southern England. It ended on Monday. Attended by hundreds of
gedolei Torah, leaders and local Aguda activists from
all parts of Europe, the convention focused attention on the
bitter struggle of hundreds of thousands of Torah-true Jews
in Eretz Hakodesh against the harsh economic blows directed
at chareidi Torah and educational institutions. Roads Forbidden to Cohanim In light of the heavy traffic to Meron on Lag B'Omer and to
the Ramchal's grave in Tiberius on the 26th of Iyar, the
Association for the Prevention of Grave Desecration is
warning the public to avoid certain roads in the city
forbidden to Cohanim due to tumas meis from graves
hidden below. Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky for Mayor of Yerushalayim
It is no secret that Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky, UTJ candidate for mayor of Jerusalem, is chareidi. For some, like us, this is a point in his favor. For others this may not count in his favor. But whatever you think about his religion, it is not necessarily the main reason that he is the best man to run Jerusalem.
Cost-Cutting Tips for Weddings -- What's the last thing you want to hear at your chasuna? "Seconds, anyone?" Your guests may love receiving another piece of shnitzel at the meal, but that means you overestimated and paid much more than you should have for the meal. Your late arrivals may appreciate a bar overflowing with pastries and kugels, but it means you'll have a lot of leftovers -- which you may not be able to take home. High-Pressure Elections In a Land of Cold and Hunger
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