Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

13 Kislev 5762 - November 28, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
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Nesivos Sholom-Nesivei Chinuch
by HaRav Sholom Noach Berezovsky zt"l, The Slonimer Rebbe

Published by Feldheim Publishers

Reviewed by M. S. Brovender M.A.

At every juncture in a Jew's life he has the opportunity to either build or destroy. Hence our prayers are turned heavenward. When laying the foundations of a new home one has to work hard from the very outset to insure that it continually grows and develops into a mikdash me'at. How does one ensure oneself, as a parent, that his child will grow into an adult imbued with the spark of Torah, mitzvos, and his neshomoh? To discover answers we must first become seekers of answers.

Along our search we frequently notice that the windows we look through are cloudy with confusion. In today's world of instant availability, with its proliferation of self-help books on child rearing and education, one would imagine that prescriptions for successful educating and parenting would be right at our fingertips. However, that doesn't seem to be the case. Why?

Perhaps it is because instead of providing us with clarity they merely give us more and more words and thoughts in which to entangle our minds and hearts. Eventually they tire us out both mentally and physically.

Nesivei Chinuch, translated and adapted by Rabbi Moshe M. Lieber, addresses this need. In it the Slonimer Rebbe paints a vision of an elevated form of chinuch. One finds oneself moving from being a reader to becoming a student of each thought, word and message. Suddenly, clarity takes the place of confusion. By raising our vistas and providing us with a holistic view of Torah education Nesivei Chinuch sheds rays of light on the entire experience.

What are the prerequisites for being a Torah educator? What in essence makes one worthy of being a transmitter of Torah, its lifestyle, tradition and values? Above all, we learn that possessing a positive, constructive attitude toward the child is crucial for success in being an educator or parent and mentor. At the root must lay feelings of tremendous, non- yielding love.

The Slonimer Rebbe zt'l advises us that if, after serious soul-searching, a teacher realizes that he doesn't relate to a pupil in the same parental mode that he relates to his very own biological child, nor does he appreciate the child's unique emotional and intellectual makeup, he must be honest with himself and choose another vocation.

According to the Baal Shem Tov, the teacher or parent who seeks to implant in his students the light of Torah may never focus on their negative aspects. Only by focusing on the positive traits of the child and believing in the ultimate victory of the spiritual yearning of the soul, will one succeed in transmitting the beauty and light of Torah and mitzvos. In the words of the Nesivos Sholom, "Once a child's mentor has succeeded in igniting the spark, the flame lights by itself."

We are advised to employ punishment only when no other option exists. It must be administered out of a sense of total love of the child and with a real desire to educate him, and the child must clearly sense our motives.

In summary, the authentic educator must know and truly believe that (A) his students or children are "crown jewels" with an innate luster that need only be brought to fore; (B) he is a spiritual parent to each and every child and must therefore feel parent-like love and loyalty towards him; (C) a tailored-made approach which is sensitive to who the child is and not what one thinks he should be is crucial for successful education.

Nesivei Chinuch, discusses the goals of Torah education, the positive educational strategies to be implemented, what the educator must be aware of in order to be worthy of the title educator, how the educator / parent must serve as a role model as well as what constitutes a positive educational atmosphere for the student. It also offers a glimpse into the world of the yeshiva and what it should truly be.

Nesivei Chinuch is a must for every parent, principal, teacher and mentor, who seeks to make education and mentoring into an art of heart and soul. May we all merit to be builders and planters of Torah by allowing ourselves to follow the enlightened pathways laid out for us in the Nesivei Chinuch!


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