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HOME & FAMILY A Kiss From Hashemby KSR Sometimes things don't work out the way we had planned or wished. Maybe even several times a day something happens differently than what we had intended. We miss the bus. There's traffic. We wanted to go shopping but the store was closed. So what do we do? Do we rant? No. Of course not. Do we feel upset or disappointed? Perhaps. But then we shake ourselves back to reality and with a heavy sigh, mutter, "This is also for the good." But what exactly is that `good'?
Spiritual Economy
Dear Editor,
"I have been enjoying the articles by Rosally Saltsman on
thrift so much that I was inspired to write a little on
spiritual economics..."
Take the same things that `you're doing anyway' and put some
spiritual oomph into them for added mileage.
PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE The Chovos Halevovos explains that the reason why children are beset with childhood diseases and painful afflictions such as teething is so that they should learn at an early age that life is not a `bed of roses.'by A. Ross, M.Ed. As I write this, I know full well that people will disagree with what I say. The writer who wrote, "Everyone is entitled to my opinion" had a valid point.
BOOK REVIEW First: a word about the title, taken from Tehillim, with which you have become familiarized from past Yated submissions by Varda Branfman. She thanks your editor for having pushed her to put together her [wonderful] writings in permanent book form and we thank her for having allowed us a few precious previews over the past years, primarily poems like: "Cave Dwelling," "Bread", and prose: "Here in Geula" and "The Voice of Tehillim." You will surely wish to read those again, pass them on to others, and savor the rest of the spiritually exotic flavor of her writings.
Your Medical Questions Answered! Liver failure can be caused by a number of insults. Chemical is the most preventable. We discussed overdose of paracetomol (acetaminophen) but other medications (most of which have been taken off the market) can also be the cause. Chemicals in the workplace such as polyvinyl chloride can cause this as well.
Poet's Corner
A Pesach Ditty -- in the Purim Spirit
Pesach comes but once a year,
Let our prayer then be clear:
Sun -- Rain
by Shaindel Bulman
[To be read with the mental accompaniment of a banjo on the
knee... to the tune of "Oh, Shoshana..."]
The sun was shining when I left
The rain is pouring on my head,
Where Do My Days Go?
by Shaindel Bulman
Where do my days go?
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