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WHAT I LEARNED FROM MY RUN-IN WITH ARAB HATRED One of the most riveting -- and controversial -- photographs to have emerged from the recent weeks of violence in Israel was that of a bloodied and dazed young man with an angry Israeli policeman standing behind him shouting. While the young man was first identified by the Associated Press, the photo's source, as a Palestinian, it soon became clear that he was an American studying in an Israeli yeshiva -- a victim of Palestinians, who had dragged him from a car, beaten and stabbed him. High Court convicts Korman of killing Palestinian Boy On Sunday the Supreme Court overturned a lower court decision of about a year ago and convicted Nachum Korman of manslaughter in the death of 11-year-old Palestinian boy Hilmi Shousha in 1996. At the time the incident was publicized as a case of Jewish brutality towards Arab children. Shachar Beit Shemesh Neighborhood To Be Exclusively
Following unsuccessful attempts to sell the Shachar neighborhood in Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel (Ramat Hanevi'im) to the secular sector, Housing and Construction Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer decided last week to allocate the entire neighborhood exclusively to the chareidi population. Egged Works with the Residents of Modi'in Illit
Egged has announced that it will upgrade its public transportation system in Modi'in Illit, on inter city as well as intra city lines. At a meeting of Egged with the local council head, Rabbi Yaakov Gutterman last week in Modi'in Illit. The plan is to take effect shortly. Modi'in Illit includes Kiryat Sefer and the Brachfeld areas. Prayer Rally in Jerusalem In light of the difficult situation in Eretz Yisroel, a prayer rally was to beheld on Monday, 15 Cheshvan, Taanis Sheini Basra. It was scheduled to take place in Yeshu'as Yaakov, Mea Shearim's central shul. Otzar Beis Din of Shearis Yisroel Set Up HaRav Tzvi Weber, HaRav Tzvi Friedman and HaRav Eliezer Halevi Dunner of the BaDaTz of Shearis Yisroel met recently to deal with all issues of the shmitta year. In conjunction with this, an Otzar Beis Din for shmitta was set up on 4 Tishrei Machon Taharas Yisroel Dedicated A mezuza was affixed to the new Machon Taharas Yisroel at a large gathering marking the seventh year of the Mishkan Shmuel beis medrash. The beis medrash, which is headed by HaRav M. S. Klein, is located in Bnei Brak's Or HaChaim neighborhood. HaRav Dovid Rotberg, zt"l The bitter news about the petirah of HaRav Dovid Rotberg, zt"l, former ram in the Chofetz Chaim yeshiva of Kfar Saba and the spiritual director of the Kaplan Beis Yaakov Seminary for Girls in Boro Park, spread quickly across the United States. He was niftar after an illness in the 83rd year of his life. New Guidelines for School Trips The director of the Division for Security, Safety and Emergencies of the Education Ministry has issued security directives regarding procedures heeded on trips in Israel. All of the new rules were approved by the Police Department. Israel Blasts Palestinian Casino An Israeli cannon shot into the third floor of the Jericho casino from where fire has emanated constantly over the past days. The casino used to bring in NIS 1 million per day from Israelis. All material on this site is copyrighted and its use is
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