Prayer Rally in Jerusalem
by Betzalel Kahn
In light of the difficult situation in Eretz Yisroel, a
prayer rally was to beheld on Monday, 15 Cheshvan, Taanis
Sheini Basra. It was scheduled to take place in Yeshu'as
Yaakov, Mea Shearim's central shul.
According to the program at 1:45 P.M., the entire sefer
Tehillim was to be read, followed at 4:10 by mincha
with Vayechal and Ovinu Malkeinu.
Sunday night an announcement was circulated throughout
Jerusalem calling to the members of all of the city's
synagogues, as well as the students of all the talmudei
Torah and yeshivos, to recite chapters 83, 121 and 130
of Tehillim.