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About a month after he was elected but before his self-
imposed deadline of Purim, Ariel Sharon is expected to
present his government on Wednesday. According to Knesset
regulations, the Likud must submit the coalition agreements
it has signed to the Knesset clerk 24 hours before the vote,
which Sharon did on Tuesday afternoon.
The top education officer of the army, deputy General
Eliezer Stern, has confirmed that the conversions which are
conducted in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are not
Orthodox. Renovation of Gravestones in Eastern Europe Two weeks ago a gravestone left Eretz Yisroel for Kovna which commemorates
HaRav Elchonon Wassermann Hy"d and the other kedoshim killed by the Nazis
ym"sh and buried together with him in a communal grave.
The Chief Rabbi of Strasbourg, Renee Guttman, has announced that he will publish "a
declaration by the French Rabbinate" denouncing the abrogation of Christianity and
any criticism of its actions throughout the years.
The Last Laugh -- Yeshivas Mordechai HatzaddikAn interview with international coordinator, R' Naftoli
Falk Hashem has His laughs; King David testifies to this in
Tehillim. And I dare presume He is enjoying a sweet
revenge these days as Mordechai is repeating history and
gathering all Jewish children to study Torah. On Purim of
all days! Religious School Enrollment in Johannesburg Reaches 40% Four Jewish children in ten in Johannesburg who attend a
Jewish day school are now enrolled at one of the eight
religious schools operating in the city according to the
latest enrollment figures. Relief for Syrian Jewish Immigrants to U.S. More than two thousand Syrian Jewish immigrants residing in the United States are eagerly awaiting the issuance of a directive from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service's headquarters in Washington that will allow them, after a wait of nearly a decade, to apply for permanent residency.
The Truly Jewish Response In a widely published recent opinion piece, UAHC (Reform)
president Rabbi Eric Yoffie cites the case of four men
serving prison sentences for misappropriating public funds
and claims to have been unable to find more than "a single
example" of an Orthodox leader "who has spoken out publicly
against [the] reasoning" that misusing such funds in order
to keep Jewish communities or institutions afloat is wrong. Machine Matzo Baking Underway In Yad Binyomin Machine matzo baking has begun in the Yad Binyomin Hamatzos Hamehudoros Bakery under
the supervision of Shearis Yisroel. Chevra Kadishos to Have Public Board At a convocation held by the Knesset Interior Committee,
Chanania Shachor, director of the Kehillas Yerushalayim
Chevra Kadisho, announced the founding of an impartial
public committee. HaRav Shammai Zahn, zt"l, Sar Vegodol Nofal beYisroel At a massive levaya, headed by roshei yeshiva,
rabbonim, dayanim and communal figures from the front ranks
of England's Torah Jewry, HaRav Shamai Zahn zt'l was
accompanied on his last earthly journey. Infant Hypothermia Liable to Cause Irrevocable Damage Infants are particularly susceptible to hypothermia in cold weather, according to
Professor Chagit Horowitz, director of the Bikur Cholim Hospital Pediatrics
Department. Professor Horowitz warns that the damage caused by hypothermia is liable
to harm various systems in the body, endangering the infant's life. Viewpoint: Headquarters Abandoned The dread and fear Palestinian terrorists instill in every place they have carried
out terrorist attacks has led to paradoxical results.
Prime minister Sharon has been very free with declarations of intent in the weeks before he actually took office, and he has informed us of his goals and plans in many areas. One of these that is of special interest to most of the English- speaking Jewish world is the subject of aliya -- moving to Eretz Yisroel. by P. Chovav It's a downright shame! After all the effort we invested in the attempt to claim that the chareidi public is victimized and deprived, along comes the Central Bureau of Statistics and reveals to one and all that the opposite is true: not only aren't the chareidim deprived, they actually have the advantage over the general public. HaRav Moshe Feinstein Ten Years Since the Persian Gulf War: 1991-2001; Click here for conditions of use. |