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HOME & FAMILY BOOK REVIEWFrom Central Park to Sinai: How I Found My Jewish Soul
by Roy S. Neuberger, Jonathan David Publishers Reviewed by Sharon Litvin It seems that every baal tshuva has a fascinating story to tell about his or her own road back to Torah. From the heights of the Himalayas to the depths of Death Valley, from exotic pantheism to austere atheism, from hippiedom to yuppiedom, many Jews have heeded the stirrings of their Jewish souls and returned, despite all odds, to Torah and Yiddishkeit. This returning of Jews to Torah is one of the wonders of our time.
A-Where-Ness or The Where-With-All I, personally, am always amazed at how, in a bowl of opened eggs, there is always room for one more, and one more, and one more, all sitting pretty... If only people could always be like that!
CREATIVITY CORNER Weave a colorful coil yarn or raffia basket. Send your delicious Purim mishloach monos treats in these simple wrap and stitch craft baskets. These baskets are a perfect homemade touch when sending small wine bottles, candies, fruits and nuts.
I enjoyed your article on Food/Fasting. Coming from the "old country," the USA, I, too, am accustomed to men, women and children over 12 fasting on all fasts. I found it surprising, upon arriving in Eretz Yisroel, that girls and women hardly fasted. Whether due to different customs or different orientation etc., basically, they hardly fasted.
The Monster Under the Table When parents ask a therapist for help with children, they often want to know the most effective way to curb their behavior or punish them. It is natural to look for direct means-end solutions. If there is a problem, it follows that there is an obvious cause. So? Change the causative agent.
Why? Because Why Children ask Questions and How to Relate to Them
Who is Buried in Queen Esther's Tomb? Who is buried in Queen Esther's tomb? Or, more correctly, where is the burial place of Esther Hamalka? Ruins of a megalith building, perched in the wilds of the Galilee's enchanting Bar'am forest, mysteriously assert themselves as the tsiyun of Esther Hamalka and Mordechai Hayehudi.
Bet you didn't think about the miracle of your joints today. Let's take one in particular, the knee as an example.
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