Chareidi activists in the Negev are ardently trying to
prevent the desecration of ancient graves discovered during
digging for the installation of new water lines in
Beersheva's old city.
Director of the Burial Department of the Religious Affairs
Ministry Rabbi Zelig Braverman sent a letter to Avraham
Wurtzman of the Beersheva City Council, asking him to make
all-out efforts to prevent desecration of the newly-found
graves. He added, "At the same time, I ask you to examine
alternatives to enable continuation of the work, while
guaranteeing that the graves of our ancients remain
Rabbi Braverman added that representatives of the Burial
Services Department of the Religious Affairs Ministry will
be made available to extend any necessary help.
Chareidi Negev activists have been alerted to act in the
event that the Beersheva City Council is not willing to
solve the problem in an amicable manner, preventing
desecration of the graves of our ancients.