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Known as the Shoel Umeishiv, after his sefer of that
name, R' Yosef Shaul Natansohn was truly the shoel
umeishiv of all European Jewry of his generation.
His father R' Arye Leibush of Berzhan was blessed with this
special child in the year 5577 (1817) and brought him up to
love and fear Hashem and His Torah. Yosef Shaul also learned
with his grandfather, the HaRav Yitzchok Natansohn and with
his maternal grandfather, R' Dov Berish Heilperin, in
At sixteen he married the Rebbetzin Sarah Eidel, daughter of
R' Yitzchok Aaron Itinge of Lvov (Lemberg) who was the son-
in-law of the rov in Lvov, R' Mordechai Zev Orenstein. Reb
Yosef Shaul was supported by his father-in-law following his
marriage, after which his wife took upon herself to earn a
livelihood so that her husband could devote himself entirely
to his Torah learning.
He became very close with his brother-in-law, R' Mordechai
Zev, zt"l, and together they learned Torah and wrote
teshuvos in halocho, corresponding with the
geonim of their time: R' Mordechai Banet, R' Akiva
Eiger and the Chasam Sofer, zt"l.
Together they wrote the seforim Mogen Giborim, Me'iras
Einayim, commentaries on the Levush, Maaseh Ilfas,
Ner Maarovi and more.
On the 13th of Tishrei, 5617 (1857), he was appointed rov in
Lvov and on 26th Sivan of the same year, his Rebbetzin
passed away. A year later, on 12 Adar, he married the
Rebbetzin Shifra Buna, who brought him a large dowry,
enabling him to live independently all his life without
taking a wage from the community he led.
In 5622 (1862) he was asked to be rov in Brisk as we find in
his haskomo to the sefer Yam Shel Shlomo, he
writes that from 21 Shevat 5622, although he is still in
Lvov, he is preparing to accept the Rabbinate in Brisk,
However, in the end the community in Lvov begged him not to
forsake them and he acceded and remained their rov.
His responsa in halocho were sent to thousands
from all ends of the world and these were printed seven
times over in the early years. During his lifetime they were
published twice and since they ran out of print and were in
high demand, his Rebbetzin published them the other five
times after he was niftar.
His other seforim include Divrei Shaul on the
Haggadah, Divrei Shaul Yosef Daas, Eidus Beyosef, Yodos
Nedorim, Divrei Shaul al Hatorah, and Divrei Shaul al
Aggodos Hashas.
In Teves, 5638 (1878), he was taken ill and for two months
he lay in his sickbed, continuing to write halachic
responsa despite his weakness and ignoring the doctor's
advice not to strain himself.
On his last day in this world, 26th Adar I, when his waning
strength had almost left him completely, a halachic
sheilo that had arrived that morning was read out to
him. He requested that the Dayan R' Chaim Yosef Elinberg
answer in his stead. An hour later his soul passed on.
According to the newspaper of the time, Der Israelit,
an enormous crowd numbering over fifteen thousand people
took part in his levaya.
It was during the period that the young R' Yosef Shaul was
being supported by his father-in-law in Lvov, still prior to
his appointment as rov there, that the word spread, "The
gaon is going to open a yeshiva for bochurim
who want to learn the sugyos of Shas in depth,
to learn the gemora according to halocho."
The news spread, as though on wings, and the cream of
bochurim whose souls yearned for new vistas in Torah
streamed to the bais hamedrash of Reb Yosef Shaul.
The reason for his opening of a yeshiva was unknown until he
revealed it in the introduction to his sefer Yodos
Nedorim of the year 5611 (1851). There he writes: It's
already ten years that I've noticed that true lomdei
Torah are dwindling in number and the youngsters growing
up are learning the culture of the gentiles surrounding us.
My heart cries out for the future generations -- who will
guide them? Who will pasken? So I decided that it's
not enough for a person to concern himself only with his own
learning. The time has come to spread Torah to many pupils.
However, up till now I had various worries and concerns that
deterred me. Until I saw that if not now, then when? Like
Matisyohu of old, I spread the word -- Mi LaHashem
Eilai! Whoever wants to delve into Torah in depth and
pilpul should come to us -- and there gathered
together a large crowd of talmidei chachomim ready to
rally for the Torah, to learn and to teach."
These were the feelings of his pure heart when he opened a
yeshiva for the sake of the young generation.
Since he did not merit to have children of his own, he
treated his talmidim as though they were his
offspring, as the posuk says "Veshinantom
levonecho," and Chazal say, "These are the
He was concerned for them as a father for his sons,
investing all his efforts so that they grow into talmidei
chachomim. Even those talmidim whose futures he
knew lay not in their being steeped in Torah learning, but
would enter the business world before long, were led by
their rosh yeshiva, R' Yosef Shaul, to love Torah so that
when the time would come for them to leave the yeshiva world
they would still set aside regular times for learning.
In return, the talmidim felt a deep love towards him,
reflecting his feelings towards them like a mirror. One of
his talmidim, the gaon, R' Uri zt"l,
rov of Samber, related that he so yearned for his Rebbe's
Torah lessons that in the days of the Polish revolt in
Lemberg, he risked his life many times, braving the dangers
of being caught in the crossfire on the streets to reach his
Rebbe's house and learn with him.
Since the purpose of the yeshiva was to train dayanim
and rabbonim for the next age, Reb Yosef Shaul
stressed the learning of Shas and poskim,
Tur and Shulchan Oruch, mentioning a number of
times in his responsa that he is learning with his
talmidim practical halocho. Upon receiving
sheilos, he would encourage his pupils to participate
in looking up the answers, asking their opinions and
training them how to pasken.
Naturally after being treated almost as an equal by this
godol hador, each of his talmidim became great
talmidei chachomim, experts in halocho.
Not only did he teach them how to learn the Torah, but also
how to live as a ben Torah, the Rosh Yeshiva himself
being their prime example.
It is told that although he was well off, Reb Yosef Shaul
did not even recognize the different coins of the currency
used. It was customary in his times at a chuppah or
bris to hire a chazzan to sing in honor of the
occasion and a shamash to organize the proceedings.
At the end of the meal, the guests would give each of them a
tip for their work, obviously giving the chazzan more
than the shamash.
One day the chazzan complained to his friends that
the Rov always gives him a coin of little value, unsuited to
his talent. Furthermore, to the shamash, who merely
has to organize a little, he gives a coin of much greater
worth. "Does the Rov not like my singing, or does he perhaps
have some personal complaint against me?" he wondered.
After investigating, the confusion cleared. It turned out
that the Rebbetzin would give him two coins, one for the
chazzan and one for the shamash. The Rov, not
recognizing the difference in worth of the coins, gave the
larger coin, which was of less value, to the chazzan,
and the smaller one, of greater value, to the
Despite his greatness, or perhaps because of it, his
humility prevented him from publishing his teshuvos
until he found a gemora that says that Rovo found no
morei horo'oh in Yisroel except from the tribes of
Levi and Yissochor. Reb Yosef Shaul writes in detail in the
introduction to his sefer Shoel Umeishiv, listing
many gedolim who were Kohanim and Leviim -- the
Sma and Shach were Kohanim, the Turei Zohov (Taz),
the Remoh, and the Shloh were Leviim, the Ketzos HaChoshen
was a kohen: "And although their magnitude is so much
greater, since I am also of Shevet Levi, I will follow in
their footsteps and publicize my chiddushim.
In his concern for the hungry, poor people, he set up a
communal kitchen by the name of Beis Lechem Yehudi -- the
Jewish bread house, where all the impoverished were fed and
sustained. Likewise, the less wealthy pupils of the yeshiva
could also have a good meal there, whenever they wished. Reb
Yosef Shaul himself would trek around town collecting from
the wealthier Jews donations for the kitchen despite the
fact that this was an arduous undertaking and, according to
his pupils, he had always been a weak person, suffering many
an illness.
These personal examples had a strong influence on his
pupils, who learned from their "living mussar sefer,"
in turn becoming much sought after rabbonim.
Their great name reached to Paris as can be found in the
Parisian newspaper HaMagid of 20th Sivan 5635. ". . .
during the times of the Chochom R' Yosef Cohen Tzedek of
Lemberg, who came to town to give droshos on Shabbos
and the festivals. We were all astounded by the breadth of
his knowledge as it was clearly apparent that the words of
his great rabbi, R' Yosef Shaul Natansohn were emanating
from his mouth!"
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