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HOME & FAMILY PREPARING FOR THE FUTUREDehydration by R' Zvi Zobin "How much water did you drink today?" Did you know that minimal dehydration can cause obesity, high blood pressure etc.?
An Ounce of Prevention
Part III
In the Kitchen:
* Shorten the cord of the electric kettle (by means of a
rubber band) and push it away from the edge of the
counter to prevent a child from pulling it upon him.
Observations: Weighty Problems A new study by the World Watch Institute in Washington reveals that approximately 1.1 billion of the 6 billion people on earth are overweight, and their numbers continue to rise. The unaffiliated research institute notes that for the first time in history, a majority of adults in a number of countries suffer from obesity: 61 percent in the U.S., 54 percent in Russia and 51 percent in Great Britain.
NOSTALGIA The widow Rochel Leah Cheshin stood in her little kitchen, kashering some bones for the cholent. She felt relieved to be able to supply her family with `meat' for Shabbos, as well as fish, vegetables and even a watermelon for dessert. "Boruch Hashem!" She felt the helping hand of Hashem.by Masha Wolf, M.A., Child Therapist and Counselor
Part One
My son is very shy. When he's around people he
doesn't know well, he won't speak at all. I'm very
worried about his future. How can I help him?
Sleepless Children
There are no easy answers to sleep problems and there
is no guarantee that any particular method will work
with your child.
If advice does not sound sensible or humane, it is not
good advice!
PARENTING WITH MENUCHA Money is part of everyday reality, and this is unavoidable, whether we like it or not. There are, however, homes in which the topic is a separate issue in itself. From a very young age, children observe their parents' attitude towards money and as time goes on, the topic of money and the attitude become linked in their minds until the two are inseparable. How should we handle the topic of money? The distinguished wife of a distinguished rabbi in
Jerusalem wrote in the following letter, excerpted:
Our people in Eretz Yisroel are suffering: murder,
terrorism, kidnapping and road acidents are the daily
headlines. Many families throughout the country are in
deep mourning. What caused this sudden rise in
tragedies? Gilui arayos; one of the outstanding
acts that angers Hashem terribly and causes Him to usher
in calamities.
Your Medical Questions Answered!
Our sponsor has asked me to speak on a subject that is
somewhat sensitive. Psychiatric illnesses are much more
common than you think and are almost always
misunderstood. Psychiatric illnesses are not just street
people who are dirty and speaking to themselves
(although these people need our prayers as well) but
extend to some of the most affluent in our society.
Poet's Corner
Are we poor or are we rich? I think about it -- and
don't know which. It strikes me strange, and even funny
That when a poor man asks for money Or someone knocks
upon our door There's always money -- and then some
Mommy always finds a bill, In pockets or on the window
sill. And when that's gone, she'll find some more, In
the sugar bowl or behind a door. And if she's stuck,
she'll find some money, Under the frig or behind the
honey. She'll find some coins in a hidden place, And
give tzedoka with a smiling face.
But when I ask for a candy bar Or beg her to buy me a
matchbox car, She'll turn to me with a frowning stare,
And ask, "Do you think I'm a millionaire?"
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