The distinguished wife of a distinguished rabbi in
Jerusalem wrote in the following letter, excerpted:
Our people in Eretz Yisroel are suffering: murder,
terrorism, kidnapping and road acidents are the daily
headlines. Many families throughout the country are in
deep mourning. What caused this sudden rise in
tragedies? Gilui arayos; one of the outstanding
acts that angers Hashem terribly and causes Him to usher
in calamities.
The latest fashion in women's attire, even by the
religious, is immodest to offensive, whether in the holy
streets of Jerusalem, Bnei Brak and throughout the
country. Over-tight or clinging and even transparent
clothing is worn by wives and daughters educated in the
Bais Yaakov system.
We must correct ourselves in order to merit divine
kindness and blessing. We can only utter the blessing of
"malbish arumim" if kosher clothing is worn
befitting the Jewish queen and princess. Clothing must
enhance our inner beauty and not offend.
We have also received a lengthy letter regarding Rabbi
Zobin's articles on burnout. But since it is too
scholarly and specific with regards to learning
approaches for our Home and Family section, we will
suffice with a thank you to R' Avrohom Copeland and
refer you directly to him and to a work he has authored,
The Missing Keys, concerning lost levels of
learning since the Holocaust. Rabbi Copeland has created
and delivers seminares in accelerated Torah learning.