The following suggestions and guidelines for conserving water
were given by the Israeli government.
* Water plants and gardens at night or early in the morning,
when the heat does not cause immediate evaporation.
Municipalities and public institutions should adopt the same
* Report any leaks from external pipes or hydrants
immediately to your local authority (dial 106 throughout the
* Repair leaking faucets immediately.
* Take vehicles to car wash facilities which use water
recycling systems. Otherwise, use a bucket instead of a
* Buckets should also be used for cleaning, apartment
stairwells and lobbies, even if it creates more work for the
* Take showers rather than baths.
* Do not leave the water running all the time in the shower.
Turn it off between rinses.
* The same goes for shaving and tooth brushing. If possible,
use a cup rather than leaving the water running.
* You can buy devices for faucets which produce a strong flow
while actually reducing the amount of water used. Make sure
that such devices adhere to the national standards code.
A word of warning: Some door-to-door sales people have conned
householders into purchasing devices, claiming they are
acting on behalf of a national body such as the Water
Commissioners' Office. They are not, and the use of such
devices is not compulsory.
* Use water that has been standing around for watering plants
instead of pouring it down the drain.
* Where possible, use toilets with dual half- and full-tank
flush levers.
* Don't leave the water running when washing dishes; soap
them; stack them, and then rinse them all at once. If you
have a dishwasher, use the water-saving cycle.